Hi all,
One week ago before knowing the list server outage, I sent the following email which was never sent. And the solution below. (if you want to read my question quickly go to the end)
The email I sent: -------------------------------------------- I have 2 entities: - Client (company) - User
There are 2 relationships between User and Client - a toOne called employer (a user has only one employer) - a Many2Many called contractors where a user can work for different Client
There is an edit page for the Client entity (template name: ERMODTabInspectPage, page configuration name: EditNOClient) with 3 tabs: - address informations - users - contractors
I have several issues to customize the users list and the contractors list because both have: - the same parent page configuration (EditNOClient) - the same page configuration (EditRelationshipEmbeddedNOUser)
I would like to customize the list of attributes, let the New button for the users list but remove it for the contractors list, …
I tried (but didn't believe it would work) to play withe the relationship name like: (pageConfiguration = 'EditRelationshipEmbeddedNOUser' and parentPageConfiguration = 'EditNOClient' and propertyKey = 'users') -> RHS
But this propertyKey is unknown at this level.
So if you have any clue to share, I would be very happy. --------------------------------------------
Since that day, I found that the object who handles the configuration page name was an instance of ERMDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment.
So I create a subclass, MyMDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment and put this kind of code:
public Object editRelationshipEmbeddedConfigurationName(final D2WContext c) { Object result = super.editRelationshipEmbeddedConfigurationName(c) + configurationPageSuffix(c); return result; }
ou super. editRelationshipEmbeddedConfigurationName corresond a ca :
public Object editRelationshipEmbeddedConfigurationName(D2WContext c) { return "EditRelationshipEmbedded" + entityNameForContext(c); }
et configurationPageSuffix est : private String configurationPageSuffix(final D2WContext c) { String pageSuffix = (String)c.valueForKey("configurationPageSuffix"); return pageSuffix != null ? pageSuffix : ""; }
I changed the rules accordingly and it works great
My question: No I have a last question. When I click on the Delete button, I get 3 options: - delete - remove from relationShip - cancel
What I want is to remove the delete action but I didn't know how?
My suggestion: Do you think any interest to modify ERMDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment and add the method configurationPageSuffix as I did in my own class?