On Oct 21, 2011, at 1:11 PM, Michael Gargano wrote: Hi Ramsey,
Okay, so you helped me quite a bit here, but of course I have a few follow-up questions. :-D
1) (the easier one) how do I change the name for an entity in the localization file?
I think it's "EntityName.MyEntity" = "My Entity"; I think just "MyEntity" = "My Entity" works too, but is the deprecated way to do it. I usually just ERXDirectAction.dumpCreatedKeysAction() to get my key names.
2) When a validation exception comes from a formatter (the java.text.Format) on a text field, the exception is a NSValidation.ValidationException which does not have a context like the ERXValidaion does. Also, because it is thrown before it has anything to do with EOF, there is no attribute or eo associated with it, so in the contextForException method you don't even know what form is throwing it. How is this usually handled, because this is giving me the following error... "The value entered for ? is not valid." I can grab it on the page in validationFailedWithException, but again there's no way to set the context.
Generally I see this done by binding the string value as a string, then doing the formatting in the .java file. If it throws there, you can create a custom exception using the ERXValidationFactory and pass it to validationFailedWithException directly.
I'm surprised by how confusing this is for such seemingly simple task.
Yeah, I hate to write anything from scratch because setting everything up is such a chore. I'll say, "Oh, it will just be a quick inspect page with a few boolean checkboxes... no need for D2W."
Famous last words ;-)
It's easy for me to forget how huge and detailed WO/Wonder is. It's really a ton of work wiring up form fields, display groups, actions, localization, and validation from scratch on every page... not to mention maintaining all those pages.
Ramsey Thanks again.
On Oct 19, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
On Oct 19, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Michael Gargano wrote: Hi Ramsey,
I'm a little confused here. There must be some kind of context that it's using by default, because most of the messages are correct. The other thing I don't understand is if there is no attribute() method on ERXValidationException why then does the following template string render properly?
"ExceedsMaximumLengthException" = "The value entered for <b>@@displayNameForProperty@@</b> exceeds the length of <b>@@attribute.width@@</b>.";
Pardon, there IS an attribute() method on ERXValidationException.
I believe if you stick a breakpoint into that method and ERXValidationFactory's messageForException() method, you'll get the answers to your questions though :-)
Sorry, I guess I just don't fully understand how this mechanism fully works yet. I know you pointed me in a similar direction back in Sep. when I was having trouble with the articles displaying properly, but I thought those issues were all d2w related. Now that I'm no longer using any d2w I'm even more confused. :)
Thanks. -Mike
On Oct 19, 2011, at 4:35 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote: Hi Mike, On Oct 19, 2011, at 10:52 AM, Michael Gargano wrote: Hi all,
I'm still having some occasional issues with EOF validations (2 things in particular)...
1) For some attributes (it seems like attributes that are type intNumber, but there may be others too), I'm getting validation error messages that end with "?". I had that problem the other month on all my attributes, but it had to with the d2w libs I had in the build path at the time, those are gone now and I don't know why this happens or the best way to handle it.
In ERExtensions ValidationTemplate.strings file I see:
"ValueConversionException" = "The value entered for <b>@@displayNameForProperty@@</b> is not a valid <b>@@attribute.valueClass@@</b>.";
The display name for your property is created correctly because there is a displayNameForProperty() method on ERXValidationException.
There's no attribute() method on ERXValidationException, so it goes to the validation context object for an answer.
If you don't have a validation delegate to supply a context and you haven't set a context manually, you end up with a '?' replacement character.
2) Somewhat related to this... I have some EO attributes with names that make sense in the business domain, but should be called something else when surfaced to the user. So, the attribute might be fancyBusinessObjectName, but when I catch the exception and show the message I want it to be displayed as "User Non Scary Name".
Is there a way to do either of these things without just doing string replacements on the message from the exception, perhaps something in userInfo?
Thanks. -Mike
In the example above, you could add something like:
"PropertyKey.fancyBusinessObjectName" = "User Non Scary Name";
To your english strings file and get the desired results. It's also done as
"MyEntityName.fancyBusinessObjectName" = "User Non Scary Name";
In some places. Not sure which will work for you.