No not really,
I create a model that has an attribute (an intBoolean) called isFiled. I ask Entity Modeler to create the migrations for me and it gives me:
public void upgrade(EOEditingContext editingContext, ERXMigrationDatabase database) throws Throwable {
ERXMigrationTable creativeBriefTable = database.newTableNamed("creativebrief");
creativeBriefTable.newIntegerColumn("id", false);
creativeBriefTable.newFlagBooleanColumn("isfiled", false);
creativeBriefTable.newLargeStringColumn("jobnumber", true); creativeBriefTable.create(); creativeBriefTable.setPrimaryKey("id"); }
notice it created:
creativeBriefTable.newFlagBooleanColumn("isfiled", false);
except I need:
creativeBriefTable.newFlagBooleanColumn("isfiled", false, false);
the last property is the 'default' value.
from psql:
isfiled | boolean | not null default false
it is no big deal except in the design stage of a database. if I mess with the schema and recreate the migrations, I have to remember which attributes I created default values for.
I was hoping there was a box in Entity Modeler that said, "Default Value".
there are two signatures for newFlagBooleanColumn
newFlagBooleanColumn(name, allowNull) newFlagBooleanColumn(name, allowNull, defalutValue)
newIntegerColumn is the same (two signatures)
--- On Wed, 4/18/12, David Holt <email@hidden> wrote: From: David Holt <email@hidden> Subject: Re: Entity Modeler, attributes default value for migrations To: "Theodore Petrosky" <email@hidden> Cc: email@hidden Date: Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 4:19 PM
Hi Ted,
You can use EOF to set your values in migrations, so I guess you could set your default values in your entity?
See Mike's example app SecretPal and the SecretPal0 migration postUpgrade method. That might give you what you are looking for.
Also just recently someone (Ramsey?) posted that you can put
default values in your User Info Dictionary for the entity.
Before I found out about this approach I was using direct SQL statements (which means that the migration may/will break across databases, so Mike's method is better if you can do it).
@Override public void upgrade(EOEditingContext editingContext, ERXMigrationDatabase database) throws Throwable { ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdate(database.adaptorChannel(), "INSERT INTO Role (roleDescription,id) VALUES ('Admin',1)", true); }
Is this what you're after?
On 2012-04-18, at 12:33 PM, Theodore Petrosky wrote: When I create an attribute in Entity Modeler, and create the migrations, it does a beautiful job.
creativeBriefTable.newFlagBooleanColumn("isfiled", false);
and I know I can add a default value here
creativeBriefTable.newFlagBooleanColumn("isfiled", false, false);
problem is that if I go