Hi list,
I am testing ERXLocalizer, it seems very good.
I want Spanish as the default language for my app, so I set the Properties file like this:
er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.defaultLanguage=Spanish er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.fileNamesToWatch=("Localizable.strings","ValidationTemplate.strings") er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.availableLanguages=(Spanish, English) er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.frameworkSearchPath=(app,ERDirectToWeb,ERExtensions)
I also have the Spanish.lproj and English.lproj folders inside Resources directory and a Localizable.strings inside each one.
This is the content of the English.lproj/Localizable.strings file:
{ "login_username" = "Username"; "login_password" = "Password"; }
This is the content of the Spanish.lproj/Localizable.strings file:
{ "login_username" = "Usuario"; "login_password" = "ContraseƱa"; }
I am testing with one wostring configured like this: wostrUserNameLabel : WOString { value = session.localizer.login_username; }
I think every thing is well configured but when I run the App always shows the english label.
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
Miguel Torres. |