On Jul 18, 2012, at 1:18 AM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
I believe this has been described as the "EO constant idiot pattern" by someone before :-)
Hey now, don't go spreading that around. I have a patent on that pattern. If you want to license it, you have to hire me.
Another important limitation is that you can't have back relationships from objects in the shared EC.
Well, now that's not exactly true, you know. You just can't _use_ the relationship. See the difference? You don't have to share all the EOs in an Entity. You can share just _some_ of them. Life is truly great when you have to treat different instances of the same class differently. Here in Brunei, that there is what we call "The Fun™"
Also, should you get a regular EO into your shared ec, you won't know about it until you try to fault it later in a regular ec. Usually much later. Several pages away. When you have no clue how it got into the SEC in the first place. Those are fun bugs to hunt down. Trust me.
Oh, I didn't realize that we were having a contest to see who could come up with the most obscure and hard-to-track-down way the EOSEC will f' you. I've got lots more. But, I think I'm going to do something more productive at this point … like try to convince Apple to release an update. :-)
And the vomit on the shit sandwich: it's a lot slower because you're effectively making synchronized/blocking requests for shared EOs since all threads access it.
There. fixed that for you.
Seriously, though, the EOSEC is the one thing that makes you realize just how completely, utterly fantastic the rest of EOF and WO are, and the genius behind a huge portion of Wonder.