I have a question about the wolips build path. It seems to have some pathology, or I am mis-understanding something.
If I have a project, a projectA and everhthing compiles correctly, then when I bring in a different project to the workspace, e.g. ERXExtensions, now all of a sudden projectA has compile problems. It can't find the classes on the java build path. Somehow it knows about the ERXExtensions project, and it seems it wants to use it, even though the java build path is telling wolips where to find the correct version of ERXExtensions. It doesn't look where the java build path is telling wolips to look. Instead, wolips or the java compiler, can't find ERXExtensions and compilation fails, the java sources are all marked with problems. Now if I close the ERXExtensions project, all of a sudden wolips can find what is on projectA's build path, and all is well.
Of couse projectA depends on a version of ERXExtensions, but why doesn't wolips look at the build path? Is there some parameter to set to get it to use the build path? Is it some automatic feature that if wolips recognizes some classes as being in the workspace, it automatically overrides what is on the build path?
How to stop this?
It does this with a:
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.maven.ide.eclipse.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/>
I have not tried other types of classpathentry.
G Brown