Re: Git Help
Re: Git Help
- Subject: Re: Git Help
- From: Pascal Robert <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 16:42:10 -0400
I think we need to make integration as the default branch (in the project wonder org) in GitHub interface so that pull requests defaults to integration.
> OK, so I initiated the pull request. Am I now in business?
> Will future pull requests now go to integration or is that a setting I need to correct?
> Johnny Miller
> Kahalawai Media Corp.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:30 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:
>> Le 2012-03-30 à 16:24, Johnny Miller a écrit :
>>> Hi Kieran,
>>> I'm hoping that I've made progress. I believe I'm at the stage now where I'm ready to make the Pull Request. Please see attached snapshot. Does that look right to you? Or should I be trying to make a pull request to Wonder's integration branch? And should my branch be integration or master? Does it matter?
>> Your branch should be integration, same thing for the Wonder branch.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Johnny Miller
>>> Kahalawai Media Corp.
>>> <Screen Shot 2012-03-30 at 10.22.14 AM.png>
>>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 5:12 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:
>>>> Hi Johnny,
>>>> (1) This config file does not look right to me - and might be the reason that it "looks like" your master tracks the origin/integration branch (which, according to your branch -avv output, does not exist)
>>>> [core]
>>>> repositoryformatversion = 0
>>>> filemode = true
>>>> bare = false
>>>> logallrefupdates = true
>>>> ignorecase = true
>>>> [remote "origin"]
>>>> fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>>>> url =
>>>> [remote "upstream"]
>>>> fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>>>> url =
>>>> [branch "master"]
>>>> remote = upstream
>>>> merge = refs/heads/integration
>>>> upstream = upstream
>>>> So, backup that file before changing it, but IMHO, it should look like this
>>>> [core]
>>>> repositoryformatversion = 0
>>>> filemode = true
>>>> bare = false
>>>> logallrefupdates = true
>>>> ignorecase = true
>>>> [remote "origin"]
>>>> fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>>>> url =
>>>> [remote "upstream"]
>>>> fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
>>>> url =
>>>> [branch "master"]
>>>> remote = origin
>>>> merge = refs/heads/integration
>>>> (2) After chaning above, check git status, git branch -avv again and see if things look right.
>>>> You have staged items that are not committed, so if you just do commit, those will go to your local master.
>>>> Then to push the current local master to your origin/integration remote branch (which according to your gir branch -avv does not exist), you can push, and create origin/integration at the same time, by doing:
>>>> $ git push origin master:integration
>>>> (3) If you get all that sorted out, you can clean up your local upstream branch refs by doing
>>>> $ git fetch --prune upstream
>>>> (4) You can delete the old branches in your fork by doing something like this for each one (note the colon) using appropriate branch you want to delete
>>>> $ git push origin :Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_6_Branch
>>>> HTH, Kieran
>>>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 5:32 PM, Johnny Miller wrote:
>>>>> Here you are:
>>>>> mala:wonder johnnymiller$ git status
>>>>> # On branch master
>>>>> # Changes to be committed:
>>>>> # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
>>>>> #
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTMediaBoxTestPage.wo/MTMediaBoxTestPage.html
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTMediaBoxTestPage.wo/MTMediaBoxTestPage.wod
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTMediaBoxTestPage.wo/MTMediaBoxTestPage.woo
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Sources/er/ajax/mootools/example/components/
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Beach-Large.jpg
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Beach-Thumb.jpg
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Rainbow-Large.jpg
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Rainbow-Thumb.jpg
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Sunset-Large.jpg
>>>>> # new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Sunset-Thumb.jpg
>>>>> # modified: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/.classpath
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Components/MTAjaxGrid.wo/MTAjaxGrid.html
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Components/MTAjaxGrid.wo/MTAjaxGrid.wod
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Components/MTAjaxGrid.wo/MTAjaxGrid.woo
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Components/MTMediaBox.api
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Sources/er/ajax/mootools/
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/50.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/80.png
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/BlackClose.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/BlackLoading.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/BlackNext.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/BlackPrevious.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/MinimalClose.png
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/MinimalLoading.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/MinimalNext.png
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/MinimalPrevious.png
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/WhiteClose.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/WhiteLoading.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/WhiteNext.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/WhitePrevious.gif
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/mediaboxAdv-1.2.5.js
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/mediaboxAdvBlack.css
>>>>> # new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/mediaboxAdvWhite.css
>>>>> #
>>>>> # Changes not staged for commit:
>>>>> # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
>>>>> # (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
>>>>> #
>>>>> # modified: .gitignore
>>>>> # modified: Examples/Ajax/AjaxExample/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
>>>>> #
>>>>> # Untracked files:
>>>>> # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>>>>> #
>>>>> # Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTAjaxGridExampleCellComponent.wo/
>>>>> # Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTAjaxGridExampleFormInputCellComponent.wo/
>>>>> # Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTAjaxGridTestNavBar.wo/
>>>>> # Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTAjaxGridTestPage.wo/
>>>>> And ...
>>>>> mala:wonder johnnymiller$ git log --graph --oneline --all
>>>>> * ad60ddb those files slipped through, remove them for now
>>>>> * d0ba3c5 remove unused imports II
>>>>> * 9104f6d fix deprecated method calls II
>>>>> * 3856da4 add missing gitignore
>>>>> * 2142d6d catch two cases that slipped through
>>>>> * f57a2fd - encode all projects UTF-8 - inherit resource encoding from project container - UNIX style line delimiter for all projects - set project specific import organization to 99 for consistency as in most important frameworks already set
>>>>> * 506cae8 fix property name
>>>>> * ae24924 abstract class to scan a file or a stream for viruses and an implementation for ClamAV
>>>>> * 6fca8bc adapt ERXWOContext more to WOContext
>>>>> * dc6529b add missing javadoc for bounded type parameters
>>>>> * 74c4683 override non-deprecated counterparts of generateXXXUrls to set the appropriate boolean
>>>>> * a9a846e replace deprecated method calls
>>>>> * 5fa8fb0 remove unused imports
>>>>> * f77fa74 remove unnecessary casts
>>>>> * f03941b Add static block to warn if the wrong EOAttribute class is loaded before this framework is loaded.
>>>>> * f35e465 Merge branch 'integration' of into integration
>>>>> |\
>>>>> | * 8ef2214 Merge pull request #137 from paulhoadley/AjaxFlickrBatchNavigation_patch
>>>>> | |\
>>>>> | | * 9a91c51 Adds 'batchSizes' and 'showBatchSizes' bindings from parent component.
>>>>> | |/
>>>>> | * 5ec5826 make AjaxDefaultSubmitButton work for IE
>>>>> | * 2c6eec2 add property to ERXJavaScript to toggle hideInComment globally
>>>>> | * 5bd5669 Merge pull request #133 from darkv/FrontBase_default_unique_patch
>>>>> | |\
>>>>> | | * 60adbcb skip unique counter setting when entity has more than one key or key is not numeric
>>>>> | * | 1aababe replace deprecated method calls
>>>>> | * | f182639 use context.directActionURLForActionNamed() for URL generation of direct actions and add a flag to include sessionID
>>>>> | |/
>>>>> * | 8f79a17 Added Japanese JavaDoc
>>>>> |/
>>>>> Johnny Miller
>>>>> Kahalawai Media Corp.
>>>>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 11:30 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:
>>>>>> Last one should be this, sorry:
>>>>>> $ git log --graph --oneline --all
>>>>>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 5:27 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:
>>>>>>> And what is the output of this:
>>>>>>> $ git status
>>>>>>> ...... and the first 20 lines or so of this:
>>>>>>> $ log --graph --oneline --all --color --decorate
>>>>>>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Johnny Miller wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Kieran,
>>>>>>>> See output from commands below.
>>>>>>>> Question: And which local branch are you trying to push to which branch in your own fork?
>>>>>>>> My fork is
>>>>>>>> I would like to be able to make commits to my fork and then make the pull requests to Wonder's integration branch.
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Johnny
>>>>>>>> mala:wonder johnnymiller$ git branch -avv
>>>>>>>> * master 7ad6e3e [origin/integration] Added a default CSS style for MTAjaxModalContainer. And I updated the bindings in the example application to reflect that.
>>>>>>>> remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
>>>>>>>> remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_Legacy 12f0d82 Added instructions to the README in ERJasperReports that explains how to deploy your report fonts inside your project.
>>>>>>>> remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_3_Branch d4a5828 svn merge -c 11990 .
>>>>>>>> remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_4_3_1_Branch 895d1b4 -- roll back eoattribute patch
>>>>>>>> remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_4_Branch 3bd1499 Property name components should not use the same RHSKey to escapeHTML as property value components. Changing the value to false as I can't think of any reason why escaping html on the property name would be required.
>>>>>>>> remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_5_Branch 7294379 trunk=>5.5 merge
>>>>>>>> remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_6_Branch d8e363b 5.6 compatibility
>>>>>>>> remotes/origin/gh-pages 77be675 First commit to gh-pages
>>>>>>>> remotes/origin/master 7ad6e3e Added a default CSS style for MTAjaxModalContainer. And I updated the bindings in the example application to reflect that.
>>>>>>>> remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_Legacy 12f0d82 Added instructions to the README in ERJasperReports that explains how to deploy your report fonts inside your project.
>>>>>>>> remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_3_Branch d4a5828 svn merge -c 11990 .
>>>>>>>> remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_4_3_1_Branch 895d1b4 -- roll back eoattribute patch
>>>>>>>> remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_4_Branch 3bd1499 Property name components should not use the same RHSKey to escapeHTML as property value components. Changing the value to false as I can't think of any reason why escaping html on the property name would be required.
>>>>>>>> remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_5_Branch 7294379 trunk=>5.5 merge
>>>>>>>> remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_6_Branch d8e363b 5.6 compatibility
>>>>>>>> remotes/upstream/gh-pages 77be675 First commit to gh-pages
>>>>>>>> remotes/upstream/integration ad60ddb those files slipped through, remove them for now
>>>>>>>> remotes/upstream/master 395ef59 resurrect root directory Eclipse files for those who want to import the whole Wonder dir into Eclipse
>>>>>>>> origin (fetch)
>>>>>>>> origin (push)
>>>>>>>> upstream (fetch)
>>>>>>>> upstream (push)
>>>>>>>> Johnny Miller
>>>>>>>> Kahalawai Media Corp.
>>>>>>>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:
>>>>>>>>> git branch -avv
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