Hopefully you don't mind for re-posting.
I wanted to ask you, is it possible to have a working combination
of WOLips and Maven3 for development and deployment?
I have 2 projects. The only difference between them is the classpath:
1st (OLD), working project, has references to WOFramework/* WebObjects/Wonder framework and custom jar entries.
2nd (NEW), problematic project, has got only jar entries for everything.
What I want to achieve is:
1. dependency management in pom.xml
- OK (everything rests in Maven repos)
2. "Existing Maven project" import to Eclipse
- OK (imports and builds without errors)
3. building woapplication with maven
- OK (builds and runs)
4. development from Eclipse
Should I also include my WebObjects/Wonder projects in run conf? WOLips properties file points to their location though.
Not sure where to start looking for mistakes. Advices are very appreciated!