-------- Original Message --------
Dear List,
We finally got this working to our client's wishes. Features:
- Complete Deployment Package for WebObjects 5.4.3 on Mountain
Lion -
OS X 10.8.
- Newest Apache
httpd 2.4.3 with update instructions.
- Newest
OpenSSL/1.0.1c compiled into Apache, with update
- WebObjects adaptor -
mod_WebObjects.so - tweaked for the
newest Apache.
- Configured with builtin gzip
deflate compression for
fast transfers.
- Configured with
SSL - and optional Extended Validation.
- Solved
early wotask startup bug with Java application +
shell script to detect "nonProxy".
No need for hostname in any of the configuration files.
Entirely relies on DNS.
- Very easy to install.
- Everything is 64 bit, based on open source code.
- Bypasses Apple's default configuration of Apache httpd, OpenSSL,
and more.
- Installation of WebObjects 5.4.3
- Latest Wonder JavaMonitor and wotask to be installed in
- If somebody wishes to integrate this into Project Wonder GitHub.
Please keep webappz directory structure.
- To make this 100% PCI DSS compliant.
- Please email me to request your copy - a 9MB gzip file
- Decompress and install "/webappz" in root directory.
- Change ownership: "chown -R root:wheel /webappz"
- All configuration files are in "/webappz/conf". Changes are
labeled #WEBAPPZ
- All instruction files are in "/webappz/readme".
- Put your ssl certificate files in "/webappz/ssl/"
- Configure "/webappz/conf/httpd-ssl.conf" for your ssl
certificate files needs.
- If your ssl certificate files are encrypted, please build
"getsslparaphrase" as shown in
- Implement the LaunchD files as explained in
I hope this will solve many deployment headaches we have recently
seen on the deployment list. Enjoy!
With Kind Regards,
Dennis Gaastra,
WEBAPPZ® Systems, Inc.
(+1) 604.921.1333
www.webappz.com & www.scheduleDS.com & www.1tracker.com
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