> Subject: Re: com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCAdaptorException: EvaluateExpression failed
> From: email@hidden
> Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 10:20:28 -0700
> CC: email@hidden
> To: email@hidden
> On 2012-09-04, at 9:44 AM, Oscar González wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm having this error in a oracle query with rawrows.
> > But if I do the same query using sqlplus, It works perfect.
> >
> > com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCAdaptorException: EvaluateExpression failed: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn$OracleExpression: "select x.id_ucp, x.bloqueinterfaceid,x.lote,x.seccion,x.fechaforza, x.totalfrutacosechada from ( select i.bloqueinterfaceid,i.id_ucp,i.lote, i.seccion, t8.fecha_forza fechaForza, (SELECT sum(t0.num_unid_prod) AS CANTIDADFRUTA FROM tssa.tssemp_gcifd t0, tssa.tssemp_cif T1 WHERE t0.div_id_division = T1.div_id_division AND t0.id_empacadora = T1.id_empacadora AND t0.id_if = T1.id_if AND T0.trasladar = 2 AND T0.inventario in (1,2) AND ((t8=id_cosecha= 1 and t0.fecha_cosecha >= t8.fecha_promedio_siembra) or (t8=id_cosecha= 2 and t0.fecha_cosecha >= t8.fecha_establecimiento_segundas)) and ((t1.tipo_ingreso <> 2 AND T1.id_ucp = t8.id_ucp and nvl(t1.id_division_or,0) = 0) OR (t1.tipo_ingreso = 2 AND t0.id_ucp_cos = t8.id_ucp)) AND t0.id_udp = t8.lote AND t0.id_ump = t8.seccion) totalfrutacosechada from prd_bloqueinterface i, prd_bloqueinterfacegdm gm, est_grupos g, TSSA_INVENT_PLANTA_DETALLE_VW T8 where i.bloqueinterfaceid = gm.bloqueinterfaceid and gm.grupoid = g.grupoid and g.tipogrupoid = 2 and T8.id_ucp = i.id_ucp AND T8.year_siembra = i.year_siembra AND T8.id_division = i.id_division AND T8.seccion = i.seccion AND T8.lote = i.lote AND T8.semana_siembra = i.semana_siembra AND T8.id_cosecha = i.id_cosecha AND T8.estado = 'Activa' and g.tipogdm <> 4 and t8.grupo_forza = 5 and t8.id_ucp = '4') x "
> What is that X there for at the end?
> > >:
> > Next exception:SQL State:42000 -- error code: 907 -- msg: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
> I don't see a missing right parenthesis, I don't know why you are getting that error. Sometimes Oracle will get confused and report the wrong problem.
> Chuck
> --
> Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development
> Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.
> http://www.global-village.net/gvc/practical_webobjects