Re: Unknown column
Re: Unknown column
- Subject: Re: Unknown column
- From: Ângelo Andrade Cirino <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 18:40:15 -0300
Hi Ted,
This is the last log:
13 Set 18:36:56 vtta[60002] INFO er.extensions.appserver.ERXApplication - Bem vindo(a) ao sistema vtta !
13 Set 18:36:56 vtta[60002] WARN er.extensions.eof.ERXModelGroup - Clearing previous class descriptions
13 Set 18:36:56 vtta[60002] WARN er.extensions.eof.ERXModelGroup - The model 'ERAttachment' (path: file:/Users/aacirino/eclipse/VisionarModelos1.0/build/VisionarModelos1.0.framework/Resources/ERAttachment.eomodeld) cannot be added to model group <EOModelGroup (("ERAttachment", "file:/Users/aacirino/eclipse/VisionarModelos1.0/build/VisionarModelos1.0.framework/Resources/ERAttachment.eomodeld"), ("erprototypes", "file:/Users/aacirino/WO/WonderSource/Frameworks/Core/ERPrototypes/build/ERPrototypes.framework/Resources/erprototypes.eomodeld"))> because it already contains a model with that name.
13 Set 18:36:56 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - Using JDBCPlugIn 'MySQLPlugIn' for JDBCAdaptor@716149068
13 Set 18:36:56 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - Using JDBCPlugIn 'MySQLPlugIn' for JDBCAdaptor@827876324
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - Using JDBCPlugIn 'MySQLPlugIn' for JDBCAdaptor@430594178
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - connecting with dictionary: {plugin = "MySQLPlugIn"; username = "aacirino"; driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; password = "<password deleted for log>"; URL = "jdbc:mysql://"; }
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - fetching JDBC Info with JDBCContext@1126660656
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - connecting with dictionary: {plugin = "MySQLPlugIn"; username = "aacirino"; driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; password = "<password deleted for log>"; URL = "jdbc:mysql://"; }
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - fetched MySQL (MySQL) JDBC Info = {NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS = "T"; DRIVER_NAME = "MySQL-AB JDBC Driver"; DBMS_NAME = "MySQL"; typeInfo = {ENUM = {defaultJDBCType = ("VARCHAR"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "65535"; }; BINARY = {defaultJDBCType = ("BINARY"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "255"; }; TINYTEXT = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARCHAR"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "255"; }; DOUBLE PRECISION = {defaultJDBCType = ("DOUBLE"); createParams = "2"; maxScale = "308"; minScale = "-308"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "17"; }; BIGINT UNSIGNED = {defaultJDBCType = ("BIGINT"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "20"; }; VARBINARY = {defaultJDBCType = ("VARBINARY"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "255"; }; VARCHAR = {defaultJDBCType = ("VARCHAR"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "255"; }; SMALLINT = {defaultJDBCType = ("SMALLINT"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "5"; }; INT UNSIGNED = {defaultJDBCType = ("INTEGER"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "10"; }; SMALLINT UNSIGNED = {defaultJDBCType = ("SMALLINT"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "5"; }; RAW = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARCHAR"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "65535"; }; TINYINT = {defaultJDBCType = ("TINYINT"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; prec
ision = "3"; }; DOUBLE = {defaultJDBCType = ("DOUBLE"); createParams = "2"; maxScale = "308"; minScale = "-308"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "17"; }; MEDIUMBLOB = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARBINARY"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "16777215"; }; CHAR = {defaultJDBCType = ("CHAR"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "255"; }; BIT = {defaultJDBCType = ("BIT"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "1"; }; LONGBLOB = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARBINARY"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "2147483647"; }; REAL = {defaultJDBCType = ("DOUBLE"); createParams = "2"; maxScale = "308"; minScale = "-308"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "17"; }; MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED = {defaultJDBCType = ("INTEGER"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "8"; }; BLOB = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARBINARY"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "65535"; }; INTEGER = {defaultJDBCType = ("INTEGER"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "10"; }; BOOL = {defaultJDBCType = ("BIT"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "1"; }; MEDIUMTEXT = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARCHAR"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "16777215"; }; SET = {defaultJDBCType = ("VARCHAR"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "64"; }; LONG VARBINARY = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARBINARY"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision
= "16777215"; }; TINYINT UNSIGNED = {defaultJDBCType = ("TINYINT"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "3"; }; TIMESTAMP = {defaultJDBCType = ("TIMESTAMP"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "0"; }; LONGTEXT = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARCHAR"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "2147483647"; }; TINYBLOB = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARBINARY"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "255"; }; TEXT = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARCHAR"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "65535"; }; NUMERIC = {defaultJDBCType = ("NUMERIC"); createParams = "2"; maxScale = "308"; minScale = "-308"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "65"; }; DATE = {defaultJDBCType = ("DATE"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "0"; }; BIGINT = {defaultJDBCType = ("BIGINT"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "19"; }; DECIMAL = {defaultJDBCType = ("DECIMAL"); createParams = "2"; maxScale = "308"; minScale = "-308"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "65"; }; TIME = {defaultJDBCType = ("TIME"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "0"; }; INT = {defaultJDBCType = ("INTEGER"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "10"; }; INTEGER UNSIGNED = {defaultJDBCType = ("INTEGER"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "10"; }; LONG VARCHAR = {defaultJDBCType = ("LONG VARCHAR"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "1
6777215"; }; MEDIUMINT = {defaultJDBCType = ("INTEGER"); createParams = "1"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "7"; }; DATETIME = {defaultJDBCType = ("TIMESTAMP"); createParams = "0"; maxScale = "0"; minScale = "0"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "0"; }; FLOAT = {defaultJDBCType = ("REAL"); createParams = "2"; maxScale = "38"; minScale = "-38"; isNullable = "T"; isSearchable = "T"; precision = "10"; }; }; IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_STRING = "`"; ANSI92_CONFORMANCE = "ANSI92EntryLevel"; DRIVER_VER = "mysql-connector-java-5.1.21 ( Revision: ${bzr.revision-id} )"; STRING_FUNCTIONS = "ASCII,BIN,BIT_LENGTH,CHAR,CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHAR_LENGTH,CONCAT,CONCAT_WS,CONV,ELT,EXPORT_SET,FIELD,FIND_IN_SET,HEX,INSERT,INSTR,LCASE,LEFT,LENGTH,LOAD_FILE,LOCATE,LOCATE,LOWER,LPAD,LTRIM,MAKE_SET,MATCH,MID,OCT,OCTET_LENGTH,ORD,POSITION,QUOTE,REPEAT,REPLACE,REVERSE,RIGHT,RPAD,RTRIM,SOUNDEX,SPACE,STRCMP,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING_INDEX,TRIM,UCASE,UPPER"; }
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - === Begin Internal Transaction
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor._MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: "SELECT t0.agência_id, RTRIM(t0.descrição), RTRIM(t0.domínio), t0.entidade_id, t0.imagem_grande_altura, t0.imagem_grande_largura, t0.imagem_pequena_altura, t0.imagem_pequena_largura, t0.logomarca_id, t0.miniatura_altura, t0.miniatura_largura, t0.número_pacotes_principais, t0.parteID, t0.situação, t0.temaID, RTRIM(t0.título_páginas), RTRIM(t0.título_site) FROM agência t0 WHERE t0.agência_id = ?" withBindings: 1:1(agênciaID)>
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - 1 row(s) processed
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - === Commit Internal Transaction
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] INFO NSLog - *** Sistema de aplicação web Visiontur para a agência Turismo & Arte Promoções : Turismo, Lazer, Excursões, Artes e Artesanato
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - Opening application's URL in browser:
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] WARN NSLog -
13 Set 18:36:57 vtta[60002] DEBUG NSLog - Waiting for requests...
And the Main component isn't shown. BTW, a brand new application I created with nothing but the "Hellow world!" text and the frameworks I will need to use also did not show the Main component, just a blank page.
Em 13/09/2012, às 18:32, Theodore Petrosky escreveu:
> but what do you see in the logs after your app starts. you should see you app trying to connect, or SQL failing. Or a successful connection. something that says, "I am targeting the correct backend".
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