I needed to display the content of an array of NSDictionary objects, and without thinking I just loaded them into an ERXDisplayGroup via an EOArrayDataSource:
EODataSource ds = new EOArrayDataSource(EOClassDescription .classDescriptionForClass(NSDictionary.class), editingContext());
Two observations followed:
1. This works. I guess that pretty much answers my question, but are there any undesirable side-effects? (I probably shouldn't be specifying the component's EOEditingContext up there. I should change that to ERXEC.newEditingContext().)
2. Not surprisingly the code throws an exception at runtime:
ERROR ERXEntityClassDescription - Unable to register descriptions for class: com.webobjects.foundation.NSDictionary java.lang.RuntimeException: Dummy
Can I safely catch and/or ignore that?
In short, I'd like to use all the nice ERXDisplayGroup machinery, but the objects are NSDictionaries. Am I likely to regret this in the future?