Hi all, I'm using the Wonder Ajax constructs and on one of my servers my AjaxUpdateLinks have stopped working. Comparing the same page on two different servers, one that works and one that doesn't. T
examples of working vs not working, can be found at the following links. First, choose 5 Entries per page, and then click the next page button.
Doesn't work:
The html being generated on each machine is as follows:
Doesn't work:
<a href="" _onclick_="AUL.update('tableBody', {onComplete:function(request) { }}, '');" class="right"> <img src="" width="16" height="16" alt="First Page"> </a>
<a href="" _onclick_="AUL.update('tableBody', {onComplete:function(request) { }}, '');" class="right"> <img src="" width="16" height="16" alt="First Page"> </a>
This is the code being used to generate the above...
<webobject name="NextBatch"> <img src="/Images/TinyTable/next.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="First Page" /> </webobject>
NextBatch : AjaxUpdateLink { action = nextBatch; updateContainerID = "tableBody"; evalScripts = true; onComplete = "function(request) { }"; }
Note that the below AjaxObserveField construct is still working correctly on both machines.
AOF html: <div id="perpage"> <select id="EntriesPerPageID" name=""><option selected="selected" value="0">5</option><option value="1">10</option><option value="2">20</option><option value="3">50</option><option value="4">100</option></select> <span>Entries Per Page</span> </div>
AOF code: <div id="perpage"> <webobject name="EntriesPerPage" /> <webobject name="EntriesPerPageObserveField" /> <span>Entries Per Page</span> </div>
EntriesPerPage : WOPopUpButton { id = "EntriesPerPageID"; list = numEntriesList; item = repetitionNumEntries; selection = selectedNumEntries; displayString = repetitionNumEntries; }
EntriesPerPageObserveField : AjaxObserveField { observeFieldID = "EntriesPerPageID"; updateContainerID = "tableBody"; fullSubmit = false; }
Any ideas where I might look to track this down?
Thanks, Jeff |