Folks, I need some good ideas. I have basically the following model:
PRODUCT (code, name, some other attrs) <-->> STATEMENTREF (status) <<--> STATEMENT(text)
STATEMENTREF is a join table that has one attribute (so it is not a simple m:n join). The customer wants an excel file looking like this
heading line: product code | product name | statement 1 text | statement 2 text | ... | statement n text data line 1 : 2345 | name of this | ref status 1 | ref status 2 | ... | ref status n data line 2 : 8976 | name of this | ref status 1 | ref status 2 | ... | ref status n etc
The columns are the statements, the rows one per product and the cells hold the status for the reference from product to statement text. Any idea how to do such a thing? This is pretty urgent and I am at a loss. The whole thing is a D2W project in Neutral Look. Creating Excel stuff with ERExcelLook is no problem under "normal" conditions. But here? I am pulling my hair but I have not made any progress so far.
Thanks a lot for any help ---markus--- |