Ok, I'm able to filter the list using the setQualifier method of the DisplayGroup:
public EOQualifier qualifier() {
return null;
I call the list component passing the qualifier binding in the parent componet:
<wo:CollaboratorsList qualifier = "$qualifier"></wo:CollaboratorsList>
When I pass a qualifier the page show the filtered list correctly.
The problem is: when I click on the link with action = "" of the, for example, 2nd object of filtered list, the object variable in the class does not contain the instance related to the selected row, but the instance in the second position of the full list of objects in the displayGroup.
a table with:
| link | Mario Rossi | The Address 1 | His City |
| link | John Smith | The Address 2 | City2 |
| link | Francis Cabret | The Address| His City |
I filter the list for name LIKE "*John Smit*" and get only one row.
| link | John Smith | The Address 2 | City2 |
but when I click on the link, in the action selectObj(), the object variable contains the instance for Mario Rossi.
That's strange for me...
I thought this should have work, but, evidently, is not so!
Which is the correct way to use the ERXDisplayGroup.setQualifier method?
Thanks in advance!
Daniele Corti
I DON'T DoubleClick