I have followed email@hidden 's suggestion of installing the Wonder wotaskd and JavaMonitor, and this has solved the problem on our client's server.
You can download these from the jenkins site at:
After copying them to the correct location (I made sure to take a backup copy of the original Apple ones first), remove the quarantine bit for both apps:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine wotaskd.woa
and set the permissions:
chown -R appserver wotaskd.woa
Then restart via launchctl or reboot the server.
This worked for me: I hope it does for you too.
On 1 Jul 2013, at 22:40, Bogdan Zlatanov < email@hidden> wrote: Hi Greg, On 1 Jul 2013, at 23:36, Greg Lappen wrote: Thanks for the info Liz. I did what you said, but when the monitor page opens in the browser and I try to start my app, it never starts. Nothing relevant appears in the log files :(
Check the application permissions, especially the executable.