After reading so such about servlet and Javamonitor deployment, I decided to try to deploy on Windows using JavaMonitor.
If the setup is easier (compare to tomcat/servlet), I have to admit that I am unable to make my app start using JavaMonitor.
When I start my app double clicking on its own .cmd, it works.
I tried changing path using "c:/" or "c:\" or "c:\\" -> nothing
I've create the folder c:/TEMP/logWebObjects -> nothing
I've started wotaskd as a service (using firedaemon) or manually -> nothing
I've used the original and Wonder versions of wotaskd and javamonitor -> nothing
The only thing I get is :
- "The app did not respond for xxx seconds witch is greater than the allowed… so it is assumed to be dead."
If someone already had the same issue, how do you succeed deploying on windows using javamonitor (I'm using windows 2012 server)