This is driving me nuts so hopefully someone has an easy answer.
In a component I'm using with ERMailDeliveryHTML I want to grab a background image for the email:
body { background-image:url(<webobject name="BackgroundURL"/>); background-color:#ffffff; }
BackgroundURL : WOString { value = backgroundURL; }
public String backgroundURL() { return WOApplication.application().resourceManager().urlForResourceNamed("emailBackground.png", null, null, null); }
I've tried everything including using a method to build the URL by asking WOResourceManager for the URL for the resource.
If I put the image in a WOImage to try and steal the URL, this is what I get:
<img src="" width="800" height="600" />
even though I'm not using direct connect, which is confusing to me.
Is this just because I want to make this work in Development?
Thanks for any thoughts! It was great to see many of you this past weekend and I hope to see you next year!