Hello -
This bug has been driving me a bit batty.
1) Column created via a migration: erAuthenticationRequestTable.newTimestampColumn("requestDate", false); 2) Entity's code:
public org.joda.time.DateTime requestDate() { return (org.joda.time.DateTime) storedValueForKey(_ERAuthenticationRequest.REQUEST_DATE_KEY); }
public void setRequestDate(org.joda.time.DateTime value) { if (_ERAuthenticationRequest.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { _ERAuthenticationRequest.LOG.debug( "updating requestDate from " + requestDate() + " to " + value); } takeStoredValueForKey(value, _ERAuthenticationRequest.REQUEST_DATE_KEY); }
3) The error happens before requestDate() is even called.
4) In the model used the erprototypes jodaDateTime prototype.
Now I have looked at my other project and I can't see what is different.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: adaptorValueType: unable to load class named 'DateTime' for attribute requestDate on entity ERTwoFactorAuthenticationRequest
Thanks James |