I just created a new Wonder Framework with a single Entity and two attributes (id, and newAttribute)
I created the migrations and all looks good.
I created a new Wonder D2W app and added my framework to the build path.
I ran the app and the migrations ran fine I see in my db:
mytest=# \d newentity Table "public.newentity" Column | Type | Modifiers --------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('newentity_seq'::regclass) newattribute | text | not null Indexes: "newentity_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
But when I try to see what is in my database, I click the find button on the home screen and the app crashes with:
Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: sqlStringForAttribute: attempt to generate SQL for attribute 'id' on entity 'NewEntity' with undefined column name. You must define a column name for this attribute before attempting a database operation. Reason: sqlStringForAttribute: attempt to generate SQL for attribute 'id' on entity 'NewEntity' with undefined column name. You must define a column name for this attribute before attempting a database operation.
no attribute ‘id’?
I examined the build path, and I don’t see that I am missing any frameworks, but I don’t get it. I have data in my db:
mytest=# select * from newentity; id | newattribute ----+---------------- 1 | this is a test (1 row)
Am I missing a framework? I have done this 50 times in the last few months and it worked fine.
Ted |