Hi Dave!
Thank you!
The wolips.properties file i sent you was coming from ~/Library/Application Support/WOLips/
This was a only place where this file exists.
So i put the entry wolips.properties=~/Library/Application Support/WOLips/ in my build.properties. But i got an new error message The properties 'wo.system.frameworks' and 'wo.local.frameworks' must be set. Check that your ~/Library/Application Support/WOLips/wolips.properties is correct
So i change the wolips.properties value many time (even by hardcoding) but this new error message was still there.
Then i copy the wolips.properties (from /Library/Application Support/WOLips/ ) and i past it in my project folder at the same level than my build.properties file. The previous message (The properties 'wo.system.frameworks' and 'wo.local.frameworks'....) disappear and the first one came back (The framework name 'ERJars' does not exist.)
Should i have wolips.properties file somewhere else (in addition to the one located in ~/Library/Application Support/WOLips/)?
Thank you very much!