do you cache the binding values within your component? When using stateless components you need to clean any local variables yourself within the reset method.
Hi. I’m generating a PDF report :
WOComponent page = ERXApplication.application().pageWithName(componentName(),
page.takeValueForKey(obj, "object");
page.takeValueForKey(report, "report");
WOResponse response = page.generateResponse();
This looks up a named WOComponent and generates the response, storing the HTML and allowing users to fine-tune the HTML in a web-based HTML editor. This has worked perfectly previously.
Now I have added a custom “display boolean” component which is used within the report WOComponent. This is a stateless component but it displays the same value again and again when in production. In development, the component works properly.
It is like the content of the component is being cached inappropriately. I thought component caching was related to caching the contents of the WOD file, not the bindings.
Does anyone have any thoughts? Debugging this on a production machine quite tricky so if anyone can thing of something obvious, I’ll try that first!