Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips
Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips
- Subject: Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips
- From: Flavio Donadio <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 12:00:11 -0300
I went through the ERRest tutorial today and I can say my installation works as intended, at least for development.
I felt I needed to revisit some examples and tutorials, just to be sure... :D
On 23/09/2014, at 19:20, David Holt <email@hidden> wrote:
> Thanks Flavio!
> We’ll need to get it into the wiki once we know it is working.
> David
> On Sep 23, 2014, at 2:29 PM, Flavio Donadio <email@hidden> wrote:
>> Hello, all!
>> I managed to successfully build WOLips.
>> Since this information has not been published anywhere, I'll post it here for you guys to comment.
>> These instructions assume you're starting from scratch (new and clean development machine, not upgrading an existing installation):
>> 1. Download and install Eclipse 4.4 (in my case, I copied the "eclipse" folder into /Applications);
>> 2. Start Eclipse and add m2e, as below:
>> a. In the "Help" menu, select "Install New Software...";
>> b. Click the "Add" button, fill the "Add Repository" as below and click OK:
>> Name: M2Eclipse
>> Location:
>> d. Click the checkbox to the left of "Maven Integration for Eclipse", click the "Next >" button and follow the instructions.
>> 3. Download and install latest Apache Ant (version 1.9.4, as of today) from the official website and follow the installation instructions. In my case, I installed in /usr/local/apache-ant, but you may want to use a different path or install through homebrew, fink, pkgsrc or whatever... Just DON'T FORGET to set the $PATH environment variable accordingly;
>> 4. Clone the git repository:
>> cd ~
>> git clone git:// woproject
>> 5. Edit ~/woproject/wolips/build.xml and comment out the JProfiler and JRebel targets. In total, you'll be commenting 4 lines;
>> 6. Try to build, but it will fail (won't find Eclipse);
>> cd ~/woproject
>> ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0
>> 7. Edit ~/Library/ and add the line below:
>> eclipse.home=/Applications/eclipse
>> 8. Try to build again, and you'll be all right:
>> ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0
>> 9. Add WOLips to Eclipse:
>> a. In the "Help" menu, select "Install New Software...";
>> b. Click the "Add" button;
>> c. Click the "Local..." button;
>> d. Navigate to ~/woproject/temp/dist and click the "Open" button;
>> e. Click OK and you will be back at the "Install" window;
>> f. Check both "WOLips" and "WOLips (Optional)", click the "Next >" button and follow the instructions;
>> 10. Follow all the instructions starting from "2. Install the WebObjects Framework", on the link below:
>> 11. Profit (or just be a hobbyist, like me).
>> Please, let me know if these instructions are bad! They are working OK for me, at least for now.
>> Cheers,
>> Flavio
>> On 23/09/2014, at 11:27, Flavio Donadio <email@hidden> wrote:
>>> Hello, JR!
>>> I didn't have the time to look into this until today.
>>> I'm having a hard time trying to build WOLips myself.
>>> Could you, please, detail the steps you followed to build it correctly?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Flavio
>>> On 05/09/2014, at 14:20, Ruggentaler, JR <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>> I installed the latest version of Ant and was able to build the WOLips plugin.
>>>> Were there any new features added to the plugin?
>>>> Thanks for all the help and suggestions!
>>>> JR
>>>> From: <Ruggentaler>, JR Ruggentaler <email@hidden>
>>>> Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at 10:23 AM
>>>> To: Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>
>>>> Cc: Farrukh Ijaz <email@hidden>, Pascal Robert <email@hidden>, WebObjects-Dev <email@hidden>
>>>> Subject: Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips
>>>> git branch
>>>> * master
>>>> From: Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>
>>>> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 6:49 PM
>>>> To: JR Ruggentaler <email@hidden>
>>>> Cc: Farrukh Ijaz <email@hidden>, Pascal Robert <email@hidden>, WebObjects-Dev <email@hidden>
>>>> Subject: Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips
>>>> what do you get when you:
>>>> cd ~/Repository/wolips-4_4
>>>> git branch
>>>> On Sep 2, 2014, at 4:14 PM, Ruggentaler, JR <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>>> I followed the steps below but getting the same errors.
>>>>> Notes on Building for Eclipse 4.4
>>>>> 1. Install Eclipse 4.4 (add JRebel and JProfiler)
>>>>> 2. Update the ~/Library/ file and add: eclipse.home=/Path/To/The/Folder/Where/Eclipse44 lives
>>>>> 3. cd ~/Repository
>>>>> 4. git clone wolips-4_4
>>>>> 5. cd wolips-4_4
>>>>> Edited wolips/build.xml commented out JRebel and Jprofiler targets.
>>>>> 6. ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0
>>>>> ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0
>>>>> Buildfile: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/build.xml
>>>>> definestableupdatesite:
>>>>> print.environment:
>>>>> [echo]
>>>>> [echo] ****************************************
>>>>> [echo] * java.home = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_65.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
>>>>> [echo] * build.compiler = javac1.5
>>>>> [echo] * ant.home = /Users/a07278a/bin/ant
>>>>> [echo] * user.home = /Users/a07278a
>>>>> [echo] * build.version = 4.4.0
>>>>> [echo] * = 1.0.6
>>>>> [echo] * build.output.dir = temp
>>>>> [echo] * = temp/classes
>>>>> [echo] * = temp/testclasses
>>>>> [echo] * = temp/build
>>>>> [echo] * build.output.dist.dir = temp/dist
>>>>> [echo] * build.output.dist.targz.dir = temp/targz
>>>>> [echo] * deploy.dir = ${deploy.dir} (set by the buildserver)
>>>>> [echo] * eclipse.home = /Applications/eclipseLUNA44
>>>>> [echo] * eclipse.deps.home = ${eclipse.deps.home}/features
>>>>> [echo] * no.clean = ${no.clean}
>>>>> [echo] * = ${}
>>>>> [echo] * compile options
>>>>> [echo] * compile.deprecation= on
>>>>> [echo] * compile.debug= on
>>>>> [echo] * compile.optimize= off
>>>>> [echo] * compile.source= 1.5
>>>>> [echo] * 1.5
>>>>> [echo] * feature.updateSiteName= WOLips stable
>>>>> [echo] * feature.updateSite=
>>>>> [echo] ****************************************
>>>>> [echo]
>>>>> verify.clean:
>>>>> set.clean:
>>>>> [echo] To skip the clean set the property no.clean in your
>>>>> call.clean:
>>>>> clean:
>>>>> [delete] Deleting directory /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp
>>>>> .ds_store:
>>>>> .ds_store:
>>>>> check:
>>>>> check_file:
>>>>> set_other:
>>>>> correct_win:
>>>>> check_env:
>>>>> set_mac:
>>>>> check:
>>>>> prepare:
>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/classes
>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build
>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/dist
>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/doc
>>>>> woenvironment:
>>>>> java:
>>>>> java:
>>>>> [javac] /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/buildscripts/ant-style-project.xml:17: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
>>>>> [javac] Compiling 62 source files to /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/classes
>>>>> [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5
>>>>> [javac] Note: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woenvironment/src/java/org/objectstyle/woenvironment/plist/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>>> [javac] 1 warning
>>>>> all:
>>>>> woproject:
>>>>> copy.resources:
>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build/woproject_4.4.0
>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build/woproject_4.4.0/examples
>>>>> [copy] Copying 56 files to /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build/woproject_4.4.0/examples
>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build/woproject_4.4.0/doc
>>>>> java:
>>>>> java:
>>>>> [javac] /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/buildscripts/ant-style-project.xml:17: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
>>>>> [javac] Compiling 29 source files to /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/classes
>>>>> [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5
>>>>> [javac] /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/ error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
>>>>> [javac] woEnvironment = new WOEnvironment(this.getProject().getProperties());
>>>>> [javac] ^
>>>>> [javac] /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/ error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
>>>>> [javac] setClasspath(FrameworkSet.jarsPathForFrameworkSets(getProject(), frameworkSets, new WOEnvironment(getProject().getProperties()).getWOVariables()));
>>>>> [javac] ^
>>>>> [javac] /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/ error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
>>>>> [javac]
>>>>> WOEnvironment environment = new WOEnvironment(getProject().getProperties());
>>>>> [javac]
>>>>> ^
>>>>> [javac] /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/ error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
>>>>> [javac] add(FrameworkSet.jarsPathForFrameworkSets(getProject(), _frameworkSets, new WOEnvironment(getProject().getProperties()).getWOVariables()));
>>>>> [javac] ^
>>>>> [javac] /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/ error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
>>>>> [javac] getCommandline().createClasspath(getProject()).createPath().add(FrameworkSet.jarsPathForFrameworkSets(getProject(), frameworkSets, new WOEnvironment(getProject().getProperties()).getWOVariables()));
>>>>> [javac] ^
>>>>> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>>> [javac] 5 errors
>>>>> [javac] 1 warning
>>>>> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/build.xml:98: The following error occurred while executing this line:
>>>>> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/build.xml:50: The following error occurred while executing this line:
>>>>> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/buildscripts/ant-style-project.xml:17: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
>>>>> Total time: 3 seconds
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