I’m not understanding your “uninstalling” reference, so pardon me if I’m being stupid.
I deleted my entire old (v3.7) Eclipse directory [Time Machine is my friend if I need to revert to last week’s old software], downloaded a fresh Luna 4.4.2 (same release as yours), and told it to add the WOLips (#37) materials from Jenkins (WOLips and WOLips Goodies only). Java SE 7 is my default (there may be remnants of Java 6 on my Mac, and Java 8 is present but not active).
I’m going to take a little time to set up a blank slate virtual machine Yosemite, install Java 7, Luna and WOLips, and see what happens. If have problems after that, I’ve probably found some other bug than the one you patched.
By the way, just in case it’s a dimensionally significant factor, all my component HTML uses inline bindings (no *.wod files) so the panels are not split horizontally.
On Apr 30, 2015, at 2:28 PM, Samuel Pelletier < email@hidden> wrote:
Have you tried to completely delete the WOLips plugin from your eclipse by deleting the jars with names like "org.objectstyle.wolips.*" inside the plugin directory in your eclipse installation after uninstalling it ? Uninstalling does not remove everything.