I am able to repeat the problem e.g., this way:
=== launched very early in Application, no session/component created yet ===
def ec=ERXEC.newEditingContext()
def auction=EOUtilities.objectWithPrimaryKeyValue(ec,'DBAuction',1000003)
def records=auction.importedRecords()
println "owning rel: ${auction.ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey('importedRecords')} inverse '${auction.inverseForRelationshipKey('importedRecords')}' #$records.count" // just to make sure it's all right
def lr=records.lastObject()
println "-- in 'default' EC removing $lr from $auction..."
auction.editingContext().saveChanges() // my delegate logs out all adaptor ops: this does delete all right
def ec2=ERXEC.newEditingContext(new EOObjectStoreCoordinator())
auction=ec2.faultForGlobalID(auction.permanentGlobalID(),ec2) // this is how I 'move' objects to background tasks...
lr=ec2.faultForGlobalID(records.lastObject().permanentGlobalID(),ec2) // ... is it indeed the right way?
println "-- in EC in extra OSC removing $lr from $auction..."
auction.editingContext().saveChanges() // for this one DOES NOT delete, see the logs below!
This code -- along with the logs in databaseContextWillPerformAdaptorOperations -- prints out this:
owning rel: true inverse 'auction' #2
-- in 'default' EC removing <DBRecord@1532707037 PK:1004656 /EC:829232957> from <DBAuction@357286753 PK:1000003 /EC:829232957>...
- 1: DELETE on 'DBRecord' (uid = 1004656)
-- in EC in extra OSC removing <DBRecord@2038388710 PK:1004657 /EC:489384291> from <DBAuction@325329592 PK:1000003 /EC:489384291>...
- 1: UPDATE on 'DBRecord' (uid = 1004657) 1{auction_id:<com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$Null>}
Does it make any sense?
It is already removed, so it does not remove it again?
There were two objects in the auction.importedRecords relationship. First, I've removed records.lastObject, the one with PK:1004656. Since it was removed, records.lastObject was the remaining one, the one with PK:1004657.
The same code -- but in another EC -- though did not remove it, though the relatioship is still owning...
Thanks a lot,