WODynamicElement are only java code, no .wo, but they have access to subcomponents btw, I wrongly typed in my previous email, the outer should be WODynamicElement
On 28/gen/2015, at 15:00, Daniele Corti < email@hidden> wrote:
Hi Amedeo, thanks for the answer, but, sorry, I'm not sure to understand it. AFAIK, WODynamicElement is a simple HTML Element, not a component, so I cannot assign a .wo file to it (or am I wrong?).
Anyway, I'm trying to change my example by moving the submit button on the SubComponent and using context().page().takeValueForKey(Object value, String key) in the SubComponent Action to set the value in the Parent Component, last I call performParentAction(String action) to do the login in the parent.
Not sure if this is the best way, but seems to work.
Thank you, __ Daniele