This is mostly directed to those that use Postgresql.
I’m using postgresql 9.4. In EOModeler using prototypes. Everything works fine other than when I try to generate sql, it seems to be generating it incorrectly. For example: id is generated with the integer(int4) datatype instead of serial (which is for autoincrementing). I do see that EOModeler tries to generate sequences which may be an alternative to just having a serial datatype. But never the less, the sql generated doesn’t run. It throws errors.
"Currently the Wonder build server does not autobuild the piece (coming soon). This is only needed for generating SQL out of EOModeler, so if you're just deploying, this isn't necessary. To use the EOModeler Bundle, checkout Project Wonder from its SourceForge repository (you can just checkout Wonder/PlugIns if you don't want everything). Go into the PostgresPlugInBundle folder and run xcodebuild, or load the project into Xcode and build it from the GUI. This will produce a build/Default/PostgresqlPlugIn.EOMplugin folder that you can copy into your /Developer/EOMBundles folder. Note that you CANNOT put it into your ~/Devloper/EOMBundles folder because EOModeler decides it doesn't want to look in that folder.” (
I can’t seem to connect to the SourceForge repository so I downloaded the wonder source from github and can’t seem to find the PostgresPlugInBundle folder. I went back and tried finding it in the Wonder 5 Legacy source as well. Still no luck.
I have all the other steps complete such as having the PostgresqlPlugIn.framework in /Library/Frameworks.
Anyone have any answers or suggestions?