I've put a breakpoint in my Main's constructor and it gets there and it seems to be doing everything there fine. The browser page is blank. How can that be?
I've also done what you have suggested Chuck, but same results.
It might be picking up a different Main.java class. Try overriding pageWithName in application and if name is null or Main, change it to com.foo.bar.your.Main.class.getName()
On 2015-02-27, 1:21 PM, "Calven Eggert" wrote:
Yes, Main.java and Main.wo.
Here is the output:
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> Couldn't load properties file: /Users/coredev/WebObjects.properties at path: /Users/coredev
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> Couldn't load properties file: /Users/coredev/WebObjects.properties at path: /Users/coredev
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOMaxIOBufferSize=8196
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMin=16
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOSocketMonitorSleepTime=50
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WODirectConnectEnabled=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOIncludeCommentsInResponse=false
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCount=8
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOLaunchdEnabled=false
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOHost=
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOIDE=WOLips
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WODebuggingEnabled=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOListenQueueSize=128
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOMissingResourceSearchEnabled=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOApplicationClassName=Application
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOSessionStoreClassName=WOServerSessionStore
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOContextClassName=WOContext
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOCachingEnabled=false
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOAcceptMalformedCookies=false
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> NSProjectSearchPath=(..,../..,/Users/coredev/Projects/COREFW)
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOMonitorEnabled=false
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOAllowRapidTurnaround=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOGenerateWSDL=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMax=256
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOAllowsConcurrentRequestHandling=false
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOAdaptor=WODefaultAdaptor
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOSessionTimeOut=3600
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOMaxSocketIdleTime=180000
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WODefaultUndoStackLimit=10
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOAutoOpenClientApplication=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOAutoOpenInBrowser=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOApplicationBaseURL=/WebObjects
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOMaxHeaders=200
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOLifebeatEnabled=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOAllowsCacheControlHeader=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOSMTPHost=smtp
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOFrameworksBaseURL=/WebObjects/Frameworks
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOAdditionalAdaptors=()
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOStatisticsStoreSessionMax=50
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOLifebeatDestinationPort=1085
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOPort=-1
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOLifebeatInterval=30
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOSocketCacheSize=100
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WOUserDirectory=/Users/coredev/Projects/ClinicalResearchRecord/build/ClinicalResearchRecord.woa
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WODisplayExceptionPages=true
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> ------------------------
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> WebObjects version = 5.4.3
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> Created adaptor of class WODefaultAdaptor on port 50496 and address localhost/ with WOWorkerThread minimum of 16 and maximum of 256
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> Application project found: Will locate resources in '/Users/coredev/Projects/ClinicalResearchRecord' rather than '/Users/coredev/Projects/ClinicalResearchRecord/' .
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> NSBundle is unable to find "ExtensionsForResources.plist" in the main bundle. Ignoring optional configuration file.
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> Cannot use rapid turnaround. Please start Xcode and open the project for this application.
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> *** The application has found the following opened, development-mode ProjectBuilderWO projects: (<com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOProjectBundle: projectName='COREFramework'; bundlePath='/Users/coredev/Projects/COREFW/';
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> Creating LifebeatThread now with: CRR -1 localhost/ 1085 30000
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> Opening application's URL in browser:
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> null
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <main> Waiting for requests...
[2015-2-27 16:12:22 EST] <WorkerThread0> <com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOComponentDefinition> No template found for component Main at "null".
On 2015-02-27, at 4:03 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
Do you have a Main.java and a Main.wo? Is there any more to the error message, a stack trace?
On 2015-02-27, 12:32 PM, "Calven Eggert" wrote:
Hi WO Community,
I've imported a WO project into a new version of Eclipse and can get it running from the command line, however, I can't get it running in Eclipse, where I get the error:
No template found for component Main at "null".
Any suggestions?
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