buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.xyrality.gradle:gradle-wonder-plugin:1.0.0'
version = '1.2.3'
apply plugin: 'woapplication'
wonder {
wonderVersion = '6.1.2'
webobjectsVersion = '5.4.3'
applicationClass = 'er.movies.Application'
deploymentServers = ['localhost']
deploymentSSHUser = 'wouser'
deploymentPath = '/home/wouser/apps'
deploymentSSHPort = 2222
deploymentMonitorBounceTasks = ['localhost':'Movies']
deploymentSSHIgnoreHostKey = true
dependencies {
compile group: 'wonder.core', name: 'WOOgnl', version: wonder.wonderVersion
compile group: 'com.webobjects', name: 'JavaXML', version: wonder.webobjectsVersion
compile group: 'wonder.misc', name: 'ERChronic', version: wonder.wonderVersion
compile group: 'wonder.ajax', name: 'Ajax', version: wonder.wonderVersion
compile group: 'wonder.businesslogic', name: 'ERTaggable', version: wonder.wonderVersion
compile group: 'wonder.businesslogic', name: 'ERAttachment', version: wonder.wonderVersion
compile group: 'wonder.businesslogic', name: 'ERMoviesLogic', version: wonder.wonderVersion
compile group: 'wonder.eof', name: 'ERRest', version: wonder.wonderVersion
compile group: 'wonder.plugins', name: 'H2PlugIn', version: wonder.wonderVersion
Feel free to have a look at the plugin and file issues and pull requests, if something doesn't work out :-) It also features test support and some basic deployment via SSH and JavaMonitor.
We have been using this for about a year now successfully in building and continuous integration. The Gradle STS plugin for eclipse plays nice with WOLips as far as we can tell; you can import the converted project directly as a Gradle project. Multi-build should work as well (currently working on a 15-subproject build).