If will be bypassed if the target instance is refusing. You could just kill the woinst cookie (or remove it from the URL and redirecting as appropriate — this code does not remove it from the URL as that app did not use URL based cookies or instance numbers)
which should make the instance that eventually handles the request generate that error message.
On 2015-05-27, 3:42 PM, "Paul Hoadley" wrote:
Hi Chuck,
On 28 May 2015, at 6:44 am, Chuck Hill <
email@hidden> wrote:
This method handles this situation by expiring the
wosid and woinst cookies and then having the browser reload the page. When the request is made the second time it will not have any session ID or instance number and so will be directed to a non-refusing
instance, if any.<br>
Does this imply that the usual call to handleSessionRestorationErrorInContext() (from which I return a “Your session has expired” page) is bypassed? From a (human) user experience point of view, I like that page in the flow for this situation.