It does sound familiar. I don’t remember exactly how we fixed it but it’s one of these we have at the bottom of the ssdd target. If I remember correctly it’s the second one. Let me know if anything here is helpful.
<!-- fix the Macos*ClassPath.txt files -->
<replaceregexp file="${dest.dir}/${}/WEB-INF/${}.woa/Contents/MacOS/MacOSClassPath.txt" match="APPROOT/Resources/Java/${}.jar" replace="APPROOT/${}.woa/Contents/Resources/Java/${}.jar" byline="true" />
<replaceregexp file="${dest.dir}/${}/WEB-INF/${}.woa/Contents/MacOS/MacOSXServerClassPath.txt" match="APPROOT/Resources/Java/${}.jar" replace="APPROOT/${}.woa/Contents/Resources/Java/${}.jar" byline="true" />
<!-- fix the web.xml file: the app itself needs -->
<replaceregexp file="${dest.dir}/${}/WEB-INF/web.xml" match="WEBINFROOT/Resources/Java/${}.jar" replace="/var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/${}.woa/Contents/Resources/Java/${}.jar" byline="true" />
<!-- fix the web.xml file to remove the extra Frameworks/ directory level for the frameworks -->
<replaceregexp file="${dest.dir}/${}/WEB-INF/web.xml" match="WEBINFROOT/Frameworks//" replace="/var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF" byline="true" />
<!-- clean up whatever is left -->
<replaceregexp file="${dest.dir}/${}/WEB-INF/web.xml" match="WEBINFROOT/" replace="/var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/" byline="true" />
<!-- fix the web.xml file to set the url pattern correctly for ec2
since the app is running as ROOT.war on ec2 we can make all requests go to the WOServletAdaptor -->
<replaceregexp file="${dest.dir}/${}/WEB-INF/web.xml" match="/WebObjects/\*" replace="/${}/WebObjects/\*" byline="true" />
<!-- fix the web.xml file to get rid of stupid taglibs (probably a better way to do this) -->
<replaceregexp file="${dest.dir}/${}/WEB-INF/web.xml" match="taglib" replace="xtaglib" byline="true" />