Is there a convenient way to update an Entity details when the app starts up?
e.g. 'Model Framework’ (A) has an Entity called ‘User’ ‘Model Framework’ (B) has an Entity called ‘Hub’ that is joined (to-one) with to ‘User’ i.e. com.B.Hub —> com.A.User (where ‘User’ knows nothing about ‘Hub’, it is out of scope)
I can create a class in (B) called com.B.User extends com.A.User
so that I can add the additional set/get code,
and then apply something like this (at start-up): { className = "com.B.User"; relationships = ( { destination = Hub; isToMany = Y; joinSemantic = EOInnerJoin; joins = ({destinationAttribute = userID; sourceAttribute = id; }); name = hubs; } ); }
Any suggestions?
_________________ Mark Gowdy Gowdy Associates Ltd Skype: markgowdy