Well, I say the _last_ two hurdles. They’re at least the _current_ two hurdles. I’ve got this a long way, but I’m still not there. I’ve been migrating an app and its 10 or so framework dependencies. Everything builds (both locally on OS X and on a Jenkins CI server running Amazon Linux), but I’m stuck on launch.
1. Launching in Eclipse I get this:
WARN NSLog - A fatal exception occurred: There is no model named 'LSNotification' in this model group. [2016-10-9 11:11:26 UTC] <main> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: There is no model named 'LSNotification' in this model group. at er.extensions.migration.ERXMigrator._buildDependenciesForModelsNamed(ERXMigrator.java:274)
That model is in LSNotification.framework, which appears to be built correctly, and its JAR (which contains that model) is in the built application bundle under target. (Is this even what Eclipse is running when I hit launch?) If I go into that bundle on the command line and launch by hand, I _don’t_ get this error, which is encouraging—the application finds that model, runs the migrations (and then fails elsewhere—see below). What am I overlooking when I launch from Eclipse? I’ve unchecked NSProjectBundleEnabled—anything else?
2. Launching from the command line, I get bitten by an issue Mark Wardle brought up last month: we have sub-directories to group components under src/main/components. We have sub-directories to group resources under src/main/webserver-resources. We can set flattenResources to true for the maven-wolifecycle-plugin, but that flattens _both_. We want to flatten components, but not webserver-resources. So depending whether that’s true or false, the app breaks because it either can’t find components or webserver resources. Is there a workaround for this (that doesn’t involve pulling the sub-directory structure our of src/main/resources)?