I hope someone can help
This top WO html works! Specifically, the second repetition in with the list array that comes from the outer loop!
<table name="Sheet 1" border="1" >
<th cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" height = "24" class="header" width = "25">First Name</th>
<th cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" class="header" width = "25">Last Name</th>
<th cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" class="header" width = "25">Date Created</th>
<wo:WORepetition list="$thePersonArray" item="$aPerson">
<td cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" height = "20" width = "25"><wo:WOString value = "$aPerson.firstName" /></td>
<td cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" height = "20" width = "25"><wo:WOString value = "$aPerson.lastName" /></td>
<td cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" height = "20" width = "25"><wo:WOString value = "$aPerson.creationDate" /></td>
<wo:loop list="$aPerson.personInstruments" item="$api">
<td cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" height = "20" width = "25"><wo:WOString value = "$api.instrument.instrumentName" /></td>
This does not! it claims that $anEvent.eventPersons is empty! It correctly creates the proper number of sheets, the header are there, but the inside repetition is blank! Maybe I am just doing it wrong:
<wo:WORepetition list="$theEvents" item="$anEvent">
<webobject name="SheetsForDate">
<th cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" height = "24" class="header" width = "25">First Name</th>
<th cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" class="header" width = "25">Last Name</th>
<th cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" class="header" width = "25">Salary</th>
<th cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" class="header" width = "25"><wo:WOString value = "$anEvent.show.showName"/></th>
<wo:WORepetition list="$anEvent.eventPersons" item="$ePerson">
<td cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" height = "20" width = "25"><wo:WOString value = "$ePerson.person.firstName" /></td>
<td cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" height = "20" width = "25"><wo:WOString value = "$ePerson.person.lastName" /></td>
<td cellType = "CELL_TYPE_STRING" height = "20" width = "25"><wo:WOString value = "$ePerson.person.salary" /></td>
SheetsForDate: WOGenericContainer {
elementName = "table";
name = anEvent.theEventDate;
border = 1;