Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap?
Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap?
- Subject: Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap?
- From: Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 20:36:31 -0400
I did not alter the model! the property is set up in postgresql as bytea, the
migration is setup as is a newBlobColumn. I don’t know how that
maps in MySQL nor Derby nor H2. MySql should be no problem. I have never used
Derby nor H2.
if you have MySql installed somewhere, you only need to create the database (an
empty database) called movies, and set up the properties to point to that
database. For me, I commented out the H2 line and added:
# Postgresql Connection Dictionary
that’s it!. Whoever set this up, did a good job keeping the sql simple to make
sure it runs.
> On Oct 28, 2018, at 7:55 PM, Jesse Tayler <email@hidden> wrote:
> Wow — Great —
> Let’s see, we should be able to have the image size dynamic a la bootstrap
> and I’ll fix up our new image component to be able to read a blog or take a
> url or whatever else we need —
> I guess the first thing is to use the other migration, but I doubt I have
> that database installed?
> And which was the one were using? Did we look up it’s blog handling or did we
> just have trouble with it?
> And lastly — I guess you did NOT have to alter the actual model or model
> framework which I guess is key
> I have a few more components mapped out that are interesting but I’m still
> stuck making a decent modern type-ahead / AJAX to-one editor.
>> On Oct 28, 2018, at 7:33 PM, Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden> wrote:
>> OK i got it to work!!
>> 100 : pageConfiguration = 'InspectTalent' => displayPropertyKeys =
>> ("firstName", "lastName", "moviesDirected", "", "roles")
>> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> 100 : (pageConfiguration = 'InspectTalent' and propertyKey = '')
>> => componentName = "ERD2WDisplayImage"
>> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> 100 : (pageConfiguration = 'InspectTalent' and propertyKey = '')
>> => imageMimeType = "image/jpeg" [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> 100 : (pageConfiguration = 'InspectTalent' and propertyKey = '')
>> => imageWidth = "250" [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
>> put a jpeg in the root of your database and insert it into the database
>> with:
>> update talentphoto set photo = pg_read_binary_file('IMG_0179.JPG') where
>> talent_id = 87;
>> 87 is Harrison Ford and is the first
>> update talentphoto set photo = pg_read_binary_file('IMG_0179.JPG') where
>> talent_id = 3;
>> 3 is ('Macaulay', 'Culkin', 3);
>> at least you can display images.
>>> On Oct 26, 2018, at 12:22 PM, Jesse Tayler <email@hidden> wrote:
>>> No idea, but I’d guess we should be able to put blobs in the migration
>>> somehow.
>>> Are you able to upload a photo to a Talent? Try that and see if it works,
>>> if you can save, then we can update the migrations I’m sure.
>>> We could call images from a free photo site -- perhaps fetch the data or
>>> even use the URLs
>>> Having the model and whatever outside the app is cool for showing how
>>> frameworks can be shared. (I guess the Movie Rentals app uses the same
>>> model framework) However, it is also sorta of complicated for a demo app.
>>> See if you can upload a photo image somehow using another database type and
>>> we’ll see what’s reasonable to do here.
>>>> On Oct 26, 2018, at 12:06 PM, Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>> No, No blobs :(
>>>> I was looking to see if we could upload some blobs in a migration.
>>>>> On Oct 26, 2018, at 11:56 AM, Jesse Tayler <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>>> Hmm — are there blobs in it?
>>>>> We just want a demo environment that people can unpack and just
>>>>> read/\write.
>>>>> BTW, I guess I used this database or perhaps worked on the team while it
>>>>> was being built? I don’t know but I see the unusual name of a childhood
>>>>> friend in the Talent and I surely put that in years ago either at my desk
>>>>> and the file is still being used - or I guess I worked on this project
>>>>> before the files got frozen in time.
>>>>> I also see a LOT of stuff from NetStruxr (a dot-bomb I once worked on)
>>>>> —this is I guess the “ER” named things come from — a terrible app but a
>>>>> really good team of smart D2W thinking people.
>>>>> When we realized we were going out of business, we started to “open
>>>>> source” the code which was a way to pass it on to our future selves more
>>>>> than anything!
>>>>> Anyway, apparently this code from NetStruxr was used to start Wonder, I’d
>>>>> guess very early 2001 or so…
>>>>>> On Oct 26, 2018, at 10:46 AM, Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> BTW, I spent about 5 minutes and shifted the db to postgresql. I know
>>>>>> you use MySQL but it should be about the same.
>>>>>>> On Oct 26, 2018, at 8:37 AM, Jesse Tayler <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ha, well, that’s a good sleuthing job there Ted
>>>>>>> And that sounds about right, no blobs..sigh.
>>>>>>> I would LOVE to adapt the really old, outdated file upload UI — There’s
>>>>>>> a nice looking file browser input widget we could support drag+drop or
>>>>>>> at least do some handling up the upload progress or something.
>>>>>>> I’d also like to better test the new, fancy Card and Carousel objects
>>>>>>> which of course rely on a set of URLs - as you can see, I canned the
>>>>>>> image for each movie to the same URL...
>>>>>>> I wonder if there is any reasonably easy way to set up and test images
>>>>>>> here?
>>>>>>> Ted? Could we use a different DB?
>>>>>>> Or maybe I should alter the model and hold an image URL and we can use
>>>>>>> images we find around for testing…
>>>>>>> In my apps, I upload photos that get put in S3 buckets and scripts make
>>>>>>> thumbnails and finally, I generate URLs based on the key ID and bucket
>>>>>>> path but this takes like 20 steps to set up!
>>>>>>> Thoughts on how a modern app can test file uploads and photos?
>>>>>>>> On Oct 26, 2018, at 8:29 AM, Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> If I read this correctly, it is using the H2 in memory database. the
>>>>>>>> model is set up to have an entity TalentPhoto. The entity is set up to
>>>>>>>> have a blob. However in the sql that is run when the app first
>>>>>>>> starts, there is a section that sets up the TalenPhoto. I see a lot of
>>>>>>>> these:
>>>>>>>> INSERT INTO talentphoto VALUES (NULL,551);
>>>>>>>> that NULL is the blob! I don’t know how you would get any blobs into
>>>>>>>> this database.
>>>>>>>>> On Oct 26, 2018, at 7:04 AM, Jesse Tayler <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ok Great!
>>>>>>>>> As for the DB? I’m a bit confused myself -
>>>>>>>>> There’s a database running for me, I think the model is in a
>>>>>>>>> framework called ERMoviesLogic and yet another model is in another
>>>>>>>>> framework
>>>>>>>>> I have trouble accessing photos, often one side of the database is
>>>>>>>>> down and I never seem to be able to access the blob data?
>>>>>>>>> If anyone knows exactly how this database is working, please let us
>>>>>>>>> know!
>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 25, 2018, at 7:24 PM, Francois BIENTZ <email@hidden>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot , things are working better : the App can be run now ,
>>>>>>>>>> except the database connection for me ...
>>>>>>>>>> Do you use the Derby database from the original example ?
>>>>>>>>>> where is the "substitute" EOmodel for D2w hidden ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Le 25 oct. 2018 à 20:38, Jesse Tayler <email@hidden> a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>> Beat me to the punch, I’ll go merge that now —
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 25, 2018, at 2:34 PM, Tim Worman <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I forked the project and created a pull request that encapsulates
>>>>>>>>>>>> these changes. Hopefully that fixes the JRE issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 25, 2018, at 11:21 AM, Tim Worman <email@hidden>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> All,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just imported the framework project. I changed a couple things.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> First, change the jdk to use “Workspace Default JRE." That may
>>>>>>>>>>>>> address the error with the build path having a specific jdk set.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, I think the missing Libraries folder can be addressed the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same way it is for other Wonder frameworks - basically add an
>>>>>>>>>>>>> empty .gitignore inside the Libraries folder.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I’m getting quite a few errors in components for “In the WOD,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is no key ‘<key_name> in <Component_Name>." Assuming these
>>>>>>>>>>>>> are keys that will operate correctly at runtime, these should be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> marked with ‘//VALID’ in the WOD.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>>>>>>> UCLA GSEIS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 25, 2018, at 11:14 AM, Theodore Petrosky
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did not pull today :(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how does it work with Wonder? I never had to change this when I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cloned Wonder. It just opened using the Java that I had. Maybe I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was just lucky.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will pull in a little while.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 25, 2018, at 2:07 PM, Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we change that setting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ted? You used Ant to build the framework and then just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right-click on application class to use Run As WoApplication,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Did you pull whatever is there today and all that?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 24, 2018, at 8:31 PM, Theodore Petrosky
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when i opened your project, the java was listed as jdk_1.7 I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did not have that jdk so I had to link in what I have jdk
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.8.0_144
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 24, 2018, at 7:59 PM, Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I’m cc’ing Robert here who’s great with configuration, I run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the app using the right click wonder app options not the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> build file myself
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My build.xml for the app looks normal and ends with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <target name="all" depends="clean, build, install, web" />
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The build.xml for the frameworks looks normal and far more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> complex and begins with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <project name="BootstrapModernLook" default="build"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> basedir=".">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do see that perhaps because I have peculiar JAVA settings
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that there may be JAVA issues, and come to think of it,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> criss-crossed JAVA versions can cause normal classes like the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Application class not to build…
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I bet you might see detail in your backtrace about classes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loading. I’m going to say this is something to do with your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> build-settings and specifically the JAVA version numbers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being used
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seems to me the framework might be 1.7 and my app is perhaps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.8 or SE7 and SE8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I could have checked in a mismatch that perhaps needs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjusting? Robert?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 24, 2018, at 7:43 PM, Francois BIENTZ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes I’m able to run other Wonder Apps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the BootstrapModernLook Framework it works now (ant
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs a Library in folder in the Eclipse project ) I right
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clicked on build.xml — WOLips ant tools — install
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What did you put in this Library directory ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then for the App I tried to use ant too (right click on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> build.xml), but I obtain : Build failed : Error reading
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project file /Users/franc/Build/build/build.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Users/franc/Build/build/build.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such directory don’t exist on my home. (but the build.xml of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the App don’t look like the xml file in other Wonder Apps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> projects )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have to search more what can be wrong on my environment
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you Jesse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Le 24 oct. 2018 à 23:46, Jesse Tayler <email@hidden> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I’m not certain why you’d get that —
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let’s see, sounds like perhaps it hasn’t got ERXApplication
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or there is some class path trouble.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I presume you are able to run other Wonder stuff ok?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I right-click on ant build.xml and select Run to install
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the framework
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then I do the same with the Application class of the app
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and either run or debug as WOApplication which sounds like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what you are doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just checked in whatever I might have to be sure I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> left the build ok, it seems ok from here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You might just pull and make clean / install or check that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wonder paths are ok in build path?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I’m terrible with Eclipse!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 24, 2018, at 5:38 PM, Francois BIENTZ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Most of the basics are now working, but this is still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> early construction please let me know if you’re able to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get things to build and run…it’s really helpful to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reports at this juncture, so thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I imported BootstrapModernLook and UltraModernMoviesDemo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in Eclipse but I get : can’t find or load the main class
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> er.modern.movies.demo.Application (Run As — WOApplication
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is there another tool to use ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
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References: | |
| >Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Francois BIENTZ <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Francois BIENTZ <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Tim Worman <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Tim Worman <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Francois BIENTZ <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Theodore Petrosky <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: <DKIM> Re: Interested in Modern UI Kits, like Bootstrap? (From: Jesse Tayler <email@hidden>) |