- Subject: RE: PWA
- From: GILQUIN Pierre via Webobjects-dev <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 06:11:28 +0000
- Ironport-sdr: O2DrH6LaEsxFPUgsL6PET1CTxArm8ucBOYGyQy16gkjir4em2nz7qQeKGajPq3IOfjjsVZwjeu yYPAnrIb4QPQ==
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- Thread-topic: PWA
Hi Aaron,
Thanks your all theses information.
Did you successly mixed DA and pwa ?
I am not sure what you mean :
« .. then send DA to WO for permanent storage … »
But I guess, it’s equivalent to what I am doing using rpc call. The rpc
mecanism is from the WOGWT framework.
De : Aaron Rosenzweig [mailto:email@hidden]
Envoyé : lundi 27 avril 2020 22:47
À : GILQUIN Pierre
Cc : WebObjects-Dev
Objet : Re: PWA
Hi Pierre,
The critical part is figuring out how to be “offline first” - it’s a mindset -
offline is not an error condition.
The “sw.js” you mention is a “service worker” which is a means of caching files
on the client so you don’t need to speak with the server. The next time you
access the web page it checks the version of the service worker and if nothing
has changed, there is no download. That’s great for:
1) user experience - you can give users a full version of your app and it
doesn’t cost you anything because the information is all on the client. Don’t
even need a user account! They can pay when they want to persist and share
across devices but by that time they are hooked.
2) bandwidth - with no download your apps pop when they revisit and work “real
fast” even without an internet connection.
3) resource utilization - Clients have power, they aren’t dumb, let them do the
work and let your “server” just be a bit bucket. Do more with less.
You probably want to use something like PouchDB for your client side
persistence and then send DA to WO for permanent storage. At some point, you
can consider switching out CouchDB for the back end for direct sync.
Between you and me - “service worker” is a dumb name. It replaced “AppCache”
which was perfectly named and in many ways easier but is now deprecated.
Aaron Rosenzweig / Chat 'n Bike<>
e: email@hidden<mailto:email@hidden> t: (301) 956-2319
[Image supprimée par l'expéditeur. Chat 'n Bike]
[Image supprimée par l'expéditeur. Chat 'n Bike]
On Apr 27, 2020, at 9:18 AM, GILQUIN Pierre via Webobjects-dev
<email@hidden<mailto:email@hidden>> wrote:
I found a solution.
I created an index.html using the html generated by the WO app.
I just put it in the directory served by apache. It’s works, the rpc call from
the client app get the correct results from the WO app
I guess as domain name is the same, no security/SOP issue.
So, I think it will much easy to make an installable pwa app.
De : GILQUIN Pierre via Webobjects-dev [mailto:email@hidden]
Envoyé : lundi 27 avril 2020 09:16
À : WebObjects-Dev
Objet : PWA
Do you think it’s possible to create a pwa(progressive web app) from a
directaction ?
I am a complete beginner on the subject and everything I can find starts with a
static web directory with an index.html and some additionnal files
(manifest.json and sw.js) to make a app installable.
Is there a way to adapt a WO/nder app to that ?
My directaction just sent a unique component. Inside there is a single page
client application. it just uses the directaction to pass parameters.
Ie : MyApp.woa/wa/questionnaire?type=coronavirus
The client app is written in java GWT and call some rpc implemented inside the
WO/nder server app.
Thanks in advance for any idea,
Best, Pierre
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- Follow-Ups:
- Re: PWA
- From: Aaron Rosenzweig via Webobjects-dev <email@hidden>
References: | |
| >PWA (From: GILQUIN Pierre via Webobjects-dev <email@hidden>) |
| >RE: PWA (From: GILQUIN Pierre via Webobjects-dev <email@hidden>) |
| >Re: PWA (From: Aaron Rosenzweig via Webobjects-dev <email@hidden>) |