Hi I have recently moved to the Intel Mac Book Pro from my PPC G4 laptop
I use X11 a lot and I am forever firing hpterm or xterm windows at my laptop from the HP-UX machines This has always worked fine on my old G4 laptop.
Now on the new intel one I have X11 running, and from a terminal I run
xhost + ipaddress_of_remote_machine
In the firewall settings I have added an allow for port 6000
Then on the HP-UX machine I
export DISPLAY= (my laptop IP address)
then I try to fire an hpterm from the HP-UX box to my Mac and get the following error
tbsm04:root> export DISPLAY= tbsm04:root> hpterm Error: Can't open display: Error: Couldn't find per display information
Can anyone help?