I support a cross-platform app that runs legacy "console" programs in a xterm. I have found that upon upgrading to 10.6.3 (and getting XQuartz 2.3.5) I have problems with xterm entering into an infinite loop.
The specifics are:
* I am launching xterm using a "exec xterm" command from inside an older Tcl/Tk/BLT dqkit (compiled for G4) * xterm launches fine and programs run inside the xterm fine * one cannot close the xterm window using the red X in the app frame * exiting the shell causes the xterm to consume nearly 100% of one CPU. I have found no way to end the app short of a kill -9 * the problem has been reported as well by one of my users.
I was not able to duplicate the problem with a newer tcl/tk shell.
I want to see if anyone has any experience with this. Even better would be a quick & easy fix. Telling users they need to upgrade XQuartz is probably not an option for most. Building a new dqkit is probably in my future, but not the ideal.
********************************************************************Brian H. Toby, Ph.D. office: 630-252-5488 Senior Physicist/Section Head for Scientific Software Advanced Photon Source 9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg. 401/B4192 work cell: 630-327-8426 Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL 60439-4856 e-mail: brian dot toby at anl dot gov ******************************************************************** "We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology's wonders... We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories... All this we can do. All this we will do."