There are two things you should try:
In .bashrc you should have this line:
shopt -s checkwinsize # check window size after process complete
The second thing is a hard to find gottcha, if you setup your prompt (PS1) to use colors (or other escape sequences) you need to
make sure that you escape the expressions otherwise bash will not count the number of characters on the line properly and you will
get the strange line wraps that you described.
So you should have:
PS1='\[\033[1;34m\]\h.\u\[\033[0m\] \$ '
instead of
PS1='ESC[1;34m\h.\uESC[0m \$ '
BTW, on some linux systems the window size doesn't register properly (noticeable by a vim screen that doesn't take up the whole window)
and you can use the following to resize the window to the size you want:
printf "\e[8;67;96;t" #where 67 is the height and 96 is the width
On Feb 8, 2010, at 12:46 PM, Chip G. wrote:
I don't know if the problem is X11, Xterm, or my setup, but I'll mention it here in hopes that I can get to the bottom of this.
I like to have my terminal screens larger than the typical default. I use Xdefaults to define the geometry for the window to be larger. I'd noticed that on one of my computers that when I got to the edge of the screen it would wrap around onto the same line and start overwriting vice wrapping around to a new line. I'd also noticed that pagination was not correct when using man or more. In fiddling around I discovered that if I kept width of my geometry to 80 then the wrap problem went away (worked correctly). But I've yet to figure out a cure for the pagination issue. I'd like to fix both so that I can put back my old 100x60 geometry. Any ideas? (BTW I just checked on kterm and this doesn't seem to effect kterm.