Hi X11 gurus,
In a Python script managing multiple processes running concurrently in xterm's, I use the command:
Command = Xterm + '-geometry ' + '"' + coord[NameProc] + '" -T " Proc' + str(NameProc+1) + ' ' + BaseChamp + Filtre + '" -e " ' + Python + ' ' + DirSrc + 'ScampDistortref.py ' + \ BaseChamp + ' ' + Filtre + ' 2>&1 | tee ' + DirLog + BaseChamp + Filtre + '.log"' Process = sub.Popen([Command], shell=True) Process.wait()
Python = '/Library/Frameworks/EPD64.framework/Versions/Current/bin/python' Xterm = '/usr/X11/bin/xterm '
The called script ScampDistortref.py is supposed to print some information in its associated xterm while running. But all I got are printings from the second level of call, i.e. from routines called by ScampDistortref.py itself.
Everything is fine if I remove the pipe and tee command and keep the 2>&1 redirection only.
I had no such problems with previous versions of Xquartz, I suspect a regression of the 2.7.0 version.
My Mac Pro is under Lion 10.7.2
Thanks for your expertise, Cheers, Jean-Baptiste |