Re: debugging twain plugin - host application
Re: debugging twain plugin - host application
- Subject: Re: debugging twain plugin - host application
- From: Anders Bertelrud <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 13:32:16 -0700
Hello Keith,
Yes, Xcode fixes a couple of the issues. In particular, custom
executables are now edited in the Get Info panel, just as targets and
the project settings are. So the Get Info context menu (as well as the
menu item under File) should work.
I agree with you about the "Add to Project" popup; because we use the
same assistant panel regardless of whether you invoke the menu item
with or without a selection in the groups-and-files outline, that popup
is always there. That's of course a bit redundant if you invoked it
through the contextual menu.
As for launching CFM applications, I had trouble getting that to work
directly in Xcode 1.5. What I was able to do, however, is to use the
LaunchCFM command line tool to launch Photoshop. Here's what I did:
1) create a new custom executable
2) set the path of the executable to be
3) set the first argument to be /Applications/Adobe\ Photoshop\
7/Adobe\ Photoshop\ 7.0/Contents/MacOS/Adobe\ Photoshop\ 7.0
Then I am able to launch Photoshop from within Xcode. This of course
assumes that you have Photoshop 7 -- adjust the path accordingly if you
have a different version.
Xcode should of course be able to launch CFM executables directly; I
have filed a bug report about that so that we can fix it in a future
Anders Bertelud
Apple Computer, Inc.
On Aug 6, 2004, at 07.49, Keith Ray wrote:
Are any of these problems fixed in 1.5?
On Aug 5, 2004, at 11:55 AM, Keith Ray wrote:
I'm building a twain plugin and need to run Photoshop as my host
So I found "Executables / Add / New Custom Executable", which brings
up an
Assistant that has a popup menu "Add to Project". Why is that there
-- I'm
already explicitly adding this to my project (which is the only
selection in the
popup menu)?
After adding this "executable" to the project, context menu "Get Info"
doesn't work to edit it, but "Open in External Window" does.
More importantly, "Build and Debug" does a build and link (no
errors), but
doesn't launch Photoshop.
How can it get the xcode 1.2 debugger to attach to a running
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