A problem with InterfaceBuilder 2.5.1:
I noticed that changing the attributes for a Carbon "Text View" (e.g. "Read Only", "No Selection", etc.) in the Inspector Panel does not have an effect on the created object.
This is the code snippet:
txnObj = HITextViewGetTXNObject(textView);
// check current options:
TXNControlTag controlTags[3] = { kTXNWordWrapStateTag, kTXNDrawCaretWhenInactiveTag, kTXNIOPrivilegesTag };
TXNControlData controlData[3];
status = TXNGetTXNObjectControls(txnObj, 1, controlTags, controlData);
bool wrapText = controlData[2].uValue == kTXNAutoWrap;
bool drawCaretWhenInactive = controlData[1].uValue != 0;
bool readOnly = controlData[2].uValue == kTXNReadOnly;
No matter how the attributes are set in the inspector panel, the option bits are always zero.
Do I miss something?