I'm using Xcode 1.5 on Mac OS X 10.3.9 to make an Objective-C, doc app.
My question is how do you get the debugger display zero as 0x00 for a dereferenced pointer to an unsigned char.
I am reassigning values in memory created by CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, totalBytes); The debugger prints hexadecimal code for values 1 to 255 fine, but when it reaches a zero value it does different things. Here's some examples of what I've tried.
*ptr = (unsigned char)0; // The debugger prints nothing
*ptr = 0x00; // The debugger prints nothing
*prt = 0; // The debugger prints nothing
*ptr = '0'; // The debugger prints 0
*ptr = '\0x00'; // The debugger prints 0
Are the the zero values displayed in the summary view really 0x00?