The reception of Xcode 2.1 has been truly heartening to us, both what we saw with developers at WWDC and the astonishingly quick uptake in the general development community. We're striving for continual improvement in the tool set we offer.
Due to the confidentiality of the Intel announcement, the seeding program for Xcode 2.1 was extremely limited, and the development cycle was quite compressed. There are a few known problems in Xcode 2.1 that you should be aware of, and that we're working to address.
• Configuration files (.xcconfig) should not be used at the project level. This causes a problem reloading projects. Use them only at the target level for now.
• Certain build settings (mainly search paths and preprocessor macros) lose their quotes and escaping when the project is saved and reloaded. We currently have no workaround for this but will keep you posted.
• The most frequent cause of crashes in Xcode 2.1 seems to be performing certain operations when the Products group is disclosed. For more reliability, keep the Products group undisclosed except when using it directly.
• Importing CodeWarrior projects often brings up the Uncaught Exception dialog. This happens most often when importing projects that contain Windows or Classic targets. For best result, clone your CodeWarrior project and remove all targets except for Mach-O targets before importing. You may click "Continue" through any exception dialogs you get without damage to your Xcode or CodeWarrior project files.
• If your .xcodeproj project file is not at the top level of your project folder, the Compile, Preprocess, and Show Assembly Code menu items will not work, the Detail view will not show the code size of your compiled code, and you cannot click the hammer column to touch/untouch your sources. Full and incremental builds will function properly, however.
Note also that the most frequently encountered problem with Xcode 2.1 is in attempting to build Universal without installing and selecting the mac OS X 10.4 Universal SDK. The SDKs are an optional install in the Xcode Tools installer; be sure to choose "Customize" and check the "Cross-Development" checkbox when installing, and for each project you want to compile Universal, be sure to select the project, choose Get Info, and in the General tab choose the mac OS X 10.4 (Universal) SDK.
Chris Espinosa Apple |