I'm trying to rebuild an application under XCode 2.1 (but still with the GCC 3.3) that has build just fine in XCode 1.5.
When compiling files that include resources and especially when compiling the resource file (ljs001.r), I now receive (1000+) errors for most of the types that the resource file uses in it's includes as follows. XCode 2.1 itself reports all of those "Type 'STR'" style messages of Rez as errors and does not seem to finalize the build.
Would someone be able to help on this? What am I doing wrong here?
Thank you
Rez /Development/LJS_PROD/./build/Development/LJS.build/Development/LJSApplication.build/ResourceManagerResources/Objects/ljs001.rsrc res/ljs001.r
mkdir /Development/LJS_PROD/./build/Development/LJS.build/Development/LJSApplication.build/ResourceManagerResources/Objects
cd /Development/LJS_PROD
/Developer/Tools/Rez -o /Development/LJS_PROD/./build/Development/LJS.build/Development/LJSApplication.build/ResourceManagerResources/Objects/ljs001.rsrc -d SystemSevenOrLater=1 -useDF -script Roman -progress -i /Development/LJS_PROD/./build/Development/Development -i /usr/local/xvtdsp56/include -i /Development/ODS_CORE/include -i /Development/LJS_PROD/inc -i /Development/LJS_PROD/inc/ljs -F /Development/LJS_PROD/./build/Development/Development -i /Development/LJS_PROD/./build/Development/Development/include -i /Development/ODS_CORE/include -i ./inc -i ./res -i ./hlp -i /OracleInstantClient10g/sdk/include -i /usr/local/xvtdsp56/include/pwr -i /usr/local/xvtdsp56/include /Development/LJS_PROD/res/ljs001.r
/Developer/Tools/Rez V3.5D1
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