Trying this question here because I'm afraid it might be a problem with XCode.
In I get the error:
/Users/mhanna/myDev/DataTypeRoot01/ error: 'ParseXml' is not a member of 'XmlDom'
myString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:fullPathToDTXML];
strLength = [myString length];
unsigned char const* cs = (unsigned char*) [myString UTF8String];
currDoc = XmlDom::ParseXml( cs, strLength); // offending line of code
at the top of I have:
#import <XmlDom/XmlDom.h>
using namespace XmlDom;
in XmlDom.h I have:
#pragma once
#include "LibXml/XmlParser.h"
namespace XmlDom
// bring the definitions we want to use into this namespace
using namespace LibXml;
inside XmlParser.h :
namespace XmlDom {
namespace LibXml {
XmlDocument ParseXml(const void * pData, size_t nLength, EncodingType et);
template<class T>
XmlDocument ParseXml(const T * pData, size_t nLength)
return ParseXml(static_cast<const void *>(pData), nLength * sizeof(T), sizeof(T) == 4 ? etUTF32 : sizeof(T) == 2 ? etUTF16 : etUTF8);
inside XmlParser.cpp:
namespace XmlDom {
namespace LibXml {
XmlDocument ParseXml(const void * pData, size_t nLength, EncodingType et)
in XCode under project info > Other C++ Flags I also have added -DXMLDOM_USE_LIBXML
any ideas why it can't find XmlDom::ParseXML() ? I think the namespacing is correct