On Sep 8, 2005, at 1:17 AM, Wayne Anderson wrote: I've been watching, with little interest, but more than a little annoyance, the XCode critics rant thread. Sure, their are certainly a number of areas where XCode can be legitimately criticized (I have several of my own), but it would be far more helpful to submit a carefully thought out (and specific) bug report or feature request. This, of course, would be considerably more challenging to the writer than ego-fueled shot gun blasts like "slow", buggy or "bloated". Where is it slow? What's the bug? As for bloat: what; are you low on hard drive space? Anyway, this list is not the ideal place for an interminable thread of unduly critical rants. Save it for your blog.
Please see http://lists.apple.com/tc.html for general advice about Apple mailing lists. In part, it says:
If you are using one of our mailing lists and see something you feel is inappropriate, please report it to the administrator of the list, or to email@hidden. Do not attempt to deal with the problem yourself. Only the list administrators have the authority to set policy on the mailing lists. Individual users may find they may actually get in trouble for "trying to help". Please help by following the rules, not by trying to define them.
Advocacy, if temperate and useful, is not out of place on this list. If an advocacy thread descends into argumentative abuse, I'll take the appropriate actions.
Wayne is correct, though, that there are better avenues for feedback to Apple for specific issues or complaints about the tools suite:
- For a specific, measurable, repeatable problem, performance or otherwise, please file a bug report at bugreporter.apple.com
This list is best for getting advice on how to configure and use Xcode, issues and answers, and workarounds and solutions to problems.
Chris |