At 9:46 AM +0000 12/6/06, Jonny Taylor wrote:
Hi all,
I've been looking at a crash report for my app, and the top of the
stack looks like this:
#0 0x00089d5c in _Unwind_Find_registered_FDE
#1 0x00089fc8 in _Unwind_Find_FDE
#2 0x00085c88 in uw_frame_state_for
#3 0x0008603c in uw_init_context_1
#4 0x00086400 in _Unwind_RaiseException
#5 0x00087f38 in __cxa_throw
#6 0x0002010c in _ZN6Record8SetValueElPKcll
(where line #6 is my code, which does indeed throw an exception).
I know that it threw this particular exception (from the same line
of code) a number of times previously, with no discernible ill
effects, and then did this crash a bit later - though I suspect
the call stack may have been different on the final time when it
crashed. Does anyone know what this call stack means? From
inspection of my code appearing higher up in the call stack I
_would_ expect the exception to be caught successfully before it
propagated out of my code. Is this just a symptom of a corrupted
stack, or can I interpret it as something specific?
It smells like code that is not exception safe. The Wikipedia entry
discusses it. I suggest you read that.