Host Name: proof
Date/Time: 2006-11-21 10:46:42.804 +0100
OS Version: 10.4.8 (Build 8L2127)
Report Version: 4
Command: as
Path: /usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/i386/as
Parent: as [21696]
Version: ??? (???)
PID: 21697
Thread: Unknown
Link (dyld) error:
Symbol not found: _vm_allocate
Referenced from: /usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/i386/as
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Host Name: proof
Date/Time: 2006-11-21 10:58:44.082 +0100
OS Version: 10.4.8 (Build 8L2127)
Report Version: 4
Command: rootcint_tmp
Path: utils/src/rootcint_tmp
Parent: make [21741]
Version: ??? (???)
PID: 27236
Thread: Unknown
Link (dyld) error:
Symbol not found: __ZTTSt14basic_ofstreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE
Referenced from: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
Expected in: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
In the console.log I see in this case:
Nov 21 10:46:43 proof crashdump[21707]: as crashed
Nov 21 10:46:43 proof crashdump[21707]: crash report written to:
Nov 21 10:56:17 proof crashdump[22254]: mdimportserver crashed
Nov 21 10:56:18 proof crashdump[22254]: crash report written to:
Nov 21 10:56:44 proof crashdump[23327]: mdimportserver crashed
Nov 21 10:56:44 proof crashdump[23327]: crash report written to:
Nov 21 10:57:58 proof crashdump[25756]: mdimportserver crashed
Nov 21 10:57:58 proof crashdump[25756]: crash report written to:
Nov 21 10:58:10 proof crashdump[26247]: mdimportserver crashed
Nov 21 10:58:10 proof crashdump[26247]: crash report written to:
Nov 21 10:58:44 proof crashdump[27238]: rootcint_tmp crashed
Nov 21 10:58:44 proof crashdump[27238]: crash report written to:
Also, can the mdimportserver not handle the many files created during a
large compilation?
These problems are on a MacPro 3GHz with 4GB RAM, but I see the same
problems on MacBook Pro's.
After a fresh reboot the compile works fine (1.5 millions lines of C++,
takes when everything goes well about 8 min), but after a while (a few
hours) I start having these errors
Cheers, Fons.