For whatever unknown reason, XCode 3 on my main volume has decided to lose
track of the data model compiler (also known as "momc").
Not the way I read the error message: warning: no rule to process file ...
That message says there's no RULE to process a file. It doesn't say there's no TOOL to process a file.
The obvious conclusion is that there's no rule for the .xcdatamodel file suffix. Rules are in your project. You should look there, rather than in the Xcode install.
Thanks for responding, Greg. That gave me a great hint.
Something I've noticed in both of my projects (the one I'm working on, and the brand new vanilla "Core Data Application" one I created for diagnosing this) is that in the "Rules" tab of the target settings, the popup menu for "Using:" under the System DTrace rule is blank (and no other rules appear after that, in the list of rules).
So I think that whatever comes after "System DTrace rule" in my projects are probably not being parsed (or displayed) because of some corruption (or something missing) in the default rules for System DTrace on my machine.
Which is why the Data Modeling compiler rule (pointing to momc) isn't being seen.
I don't seem to have any "dtrace" tool available in the popup menu of tools listed underneath "System DTrace rule".
Where would XCode keep the default "system owned" rules (used in new XCode projects)?
Something else I've noticed is that the only "dtrace" tool on my machine can be found in /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/lib/dtrace. Since my already existing project is compiling and linking against the MacOSX10.4u.sdk for a MacOSX10.4 target, might the default rules set for XCode 3.0 be hurling on the fact there's no "dtrace" tool found in the MacOSX10.4 sdk? Why a vanilla "Core Data Application" project (compiling for a deployment target of "Compiler Default") would be hurling on this rule makes me scratch my head, tho.
Adding project-specific rules for "Data model files" and "Data model version files" fixes my compiling problem for the short term, but I probably need to fix the "system owned" ruleset. Weird that an uninstall, reboot and reinstall of the Developer Tools didn't take care of this problem.